Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Obadiah and Ps. 82-83

Obadiah is a tiny little book. The people who live in Edom where the descendants of Esau brother of Jacob founder of Israel. Remember that story? The hairy verse the slick? Yeah well they are still hashing that one out apparently.

Edom isn't helping Israel in their time of need and shall pay the price.....oh yes, they shall pay. It is not going to be pretty folks.

Psalm82: Only God can judge man.

Psalm83: A call to God, that the e vail people are ready to fight, tis time to wake up and take a stand.


Jamie said...

The call for wrath upon the Edomites was because Edom didn't help Israel when they were traveling to the Promised Land. Wouldn't let em cut through. Also, when they were fighting and some of their kin folk ran into Edom to escape there enemies, the Edomites smote and smited them. So.....Unleash the hounds (pron. hoonds)! and Off with their heads!

Jamie said...

Tomorrow, 2 Kings 1-4