Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2Sam 24.1Chron 21-22 Ps 30,108-110

I'm not sure what is going on here. David, I thought was dying but now he,s taking a census? An apparently sinful, wicked census? (flashback, I suppose?) God is none to pleased with this census, and David will pay....ah yes he will pay (for what is he to pay for again?)

He has 3 choices Ladies and Gentlemen....

behind door number one is: 7 GLORIOUS years of famine (applause)

behind door number two is :3 FANTASTIC months of chase from your enemies (oooooo's and ahhhhhh's)

and your final choice King David is waiting behind gilded, ornate door number three: 3 very short days of pestilence! (the crowd looks at one another, with nail biting, hair twisting nervousness)

King David weighs his options carfully............finally....(David thinking, three days? What can really happen in three short days?)

"I choose gilded, ornate, door number three!"

The crowd is on their feet and out the door, running, screaming in fear..........and eventually 70,000 are dead.

At one point David begs God to stop the dying, he asks that he take the punishment, it was he, after all who took the census. He speaks well of his people and he says that they don't deserve the punishment. They are not the guilty ones.

God speaks to David and tells him if he builds an alter, He (God) will stop the smiting, the smoting, the slewing and the slaying. Sound like a good deal to me. I wonder if David was thinking what I am thinking "THIS couldn't have been behind door number 4?!"

David builds it and the deadly pestilence comes to an end........


Jamie said...

He's not dying like right this second. He's getting to the end of his days. You're trying to kill the poor guy off before he's due. Easy Pres. Obama, oops, I mean Crystal.

I've never understood the census thing either. I don't understand why it's so bad. In 1 Chron. version it says God doesn't like it because they are relying on themselves; but I don't understand the connection.

What? Choices! Is that? Could that be? Yes, it is...freewill! (applause)

King David is at least commendable here for attempting to bear the burden for this...the N.T. says greater love hath no man that he lay down his life for another. Sacrificial love is the greatest love.

I am always surprised by this text because God changed His mind. In one verse it even says He regretted punishing them.

Those angels are some bad dudes when they gotta be.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow, 1 Chron. 23-25, Ps. 131, 138-139, 143-145

Whendsome said...

Sacrificial love is why Harry Potter has such great powers. It's why he is the light side to Voldomorts dark side. It's the reason why Harry's the only guy who is able to destroy the motha of all bad guys. Love those inspirations.