Sunday, August 30, 2009

2Sanuel 22-23, Ps 57, 5, 97, 98, 99

2 Samuel22-23
Did David sneak in another Psalm? If this isn't a Psalm then I haven't read enough of David's Psalms and trust me, I have read enough of Davids Psalms.

When reading David describe God riding in to save him I am reminded of Gandalf in the Two Towers escaping from Orthanc. I am always look for where great writers get their inspiration. I have thought of Tolkien, many times while reading the Bible but no more so than this scene for some reason.

David goes on to say how much God loves him because of his uprightness and cleanliness of hands? I know we are to try and stay positive and I am all about looking for the good in people but even this is a stretch for me. I know God has forgiven him, but to say that he is upright and unscathed by scandal is a stretch. "For I have kept the ways of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from my God"? Yes, you have. Not there's anything wrong with that, per you have asked forgiveness and paid the price with the death of your son....buttttt you have departed from times......

I like 26-28

and then the last line.......shows loving kindness to His anointed, to David and his offspring forever. Well that's not right either, is it?. (2 Sam 12:10-12 )

David id dying and as his life is flashing before his eyes he recounts it for us, the reader. Including the tales of his mighty men risking their lives for water.....that he poured out.

As we reach the end of David's life, I think about him and am trying to figure out exactly how I feel about him. My initial, gut feeling is that I don't really care for him. But because he is one of Jamie's favorite people I am going to think about it a bit longer.........I'll get back to you on that

I read the Psalms, but I can't summarize them anymore. How many ways can I say "Allow God to be your shelter, he will help you when people make you stumble, trust in him, rely on him, rejoice in him....."

I figured out that it's not that I dislike reading them, its that I dislike having to find ways to summarize and interpret them. Interpret a few and you get the gist.


Jamie said...

I thought the exact same thing. I didn't remember that chapter being so "psalmy".
I think David is speaking since his mistake and subsequent forgiveness. He can say that and it's true because of the forgiveness he received. He, like all of us, got to start over with a clean slate. And since he knows that God chooses to not remember it's like it never happened. (of course, all this is with sincerity of heart).
You can be upright and still commit sin. Upright and righteous for humans is not synonymous with perfection. We all continue to sin. We are all sinners. It just that some of us get to start new (through our belief in and forgiveness from Him) when we ask with a sincere heart.
Showing loving-kindness forever is not synonymous with zero consequences either. There is still punishment to be had. When my kids do something wrong and I have to punish them, I do so even when I know that they are truly sorry. Not so much out of retribution, but because I know kids/people. And I know that even though they may be sincerely sorry at that moment, if they are not adequately punished, the thought may still enter their mind to do that same wrong thing later if they don't have some sort of unpleasant punishment to help them remember that sincere contrition they felt. That's just the way peole are....we are sinners. God is still faithful to His promise because eventually He will seat Jesus (from the line of David) on the throne forever. Likewise loving-kindness forever isn't the same as never having any problems or's about God faithfully being there to help us (and David, and his descendants) through those times.
There's something about "confidently" trust that I like.
Ps. 97:11 ...and joy for the upright in heart [the irrepressible joy which comes from consciousness of His favor and protection].

Jamie said...

2 Sam. 23:3-4 Is a great example of what evangelical Christians expect from their leaders, esp. their president. "When one rules over men righteously, ruling in the fear of God,..." True, real, and meaningful fear of God, that is reverence to Him, His word, and His precepts. Not lip service. Not playing the role of God. In the same light as our Constitution was written...with reliance on Judeo-Christian principles. Not claiming to be a Christian, but clearly not advocating Christian principles of life, private property, dignity, consequences,self-government, and justice that is equal and favors no one, rich OR poor.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow (Tues.), 2 Sam. 24, 1 Chron. 21-22, Ps. 30, 108-110