Thursday, September 24, 2009

2 Kings 9-11

Elisha goes and secretly anoints a new king of Israel. Jehu, who is a captain. O captain, My captain? He pours some sugar...I mean oil on him and tells him that God has chosen him to be king. He is to overthrow Joram and take the lead, and in the mean time also kill Jezebel and not bury her, but instead allow the dog to eat her.......dddddang.

Jehu does as he is told and kills Joram with an arrow that goes through his back and pierces his heart. But the real story lies with Jezebel. She hears of his coming so she dolls herself all up. When he arrives she calls down to him from an upper window, and he has some eunuchs that happen to be standing around, throw her down. She splatters everywhere and then Jehu runs over her with his chariot for good measure. He goes in for a bite to eat. When he orders her to be buried, men say there is nothing left of her......the dogs

"The corpse of Jezebel shall be like dung upon the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel, so that they may not say, This is Jezebel" MAN, that is rough.

Jehu is quite a violent fellow. After Jezebel he has all of Joram's sons beheaded and their heads piled up out side the city. Then he slews and slays everyone and anyone connected with the house of Ahab. Even people coming to visit them get slewed.

Jehu tells everyone that he is a great follower of Baal and wants to offer up a spectacular sacrifice.. Come One, Come All to the BBQ for the invite. Every Baal worshipper in the tri village area was to show up.....and then he had them all killed, pre-tty clever. God was super stoked about the wiping out of all Baal worshippers. The Jehu knows how to get stuff done.

We now return to a story already in progress....remember when Ahaziah's mom found out he was dead and decided to kill all of his descendants? and his half sis took one baby and hid him away....well we are back to that story. The little boy is now seven, and he is made king. Athaliah, the murdering grandma is not happy to hear this news. She is so p o-ed in fact that she rips her clothes. Now, I wonder...when exactly did people stop ripping their clothes when they were very angry, when did this fall outta fashion?


Jamie said...

God's word will be fulfilled. He is faithful to fulfill it...good or bad.

Hulk Hogan (and the Incredible Hulk) used to rip their clothes as late as the 1980's. Maybe it stopped when clothes became kind of expensive.

Whendsome said...

I have a friend whos husband did that the other night when he got mad. He actually ripped the shirt he was wearing...I would have paid a pretty penny (and thats all) to see it