Wednesday, September 23, 2009

2 Kings 5-8

The king commander of Syria is a leper. His wife has a maid that tells him of a prophet in Israel who can heal him. So the king sends a messenger to ask if he may borrow this prophet in order that he may be healed. Well, let me tell you the king of Israel (why won't they use his name? I have no idea who's king at this point. Lastly was Jorah, I think?) was NONE to pleased to get this letter. He was so angry he tore is clothes? Really buddy? Are we that mad? Even Elisha asks "what up with ripping your clothes? Tell em to send the guy and I'll heal him, no big whoop....chillax my brotha" I think that the king thought this was some sorta set up.

the Syrian commander comes and is told to go and bath in the Jordon and he'll be all better. He was less than impressed. I think he was expecting a magic wand of some sort. He baths, he's healed.

The Syrian is a changed man, he is now a follower of God. He asked though that when he goes into the house of the king of Syrias god and pretends to bow down with the king, that God pardon him. That's a big deal I think.

Then there's some business with Elisha's little minion taking money and being cursed as a snow white leper.

.....a floating axe and and MORE chariots of fire (I sure hope that song is playing in every one's head as they read that). Then a bizzaro story of cannibalism. There is a famine in Samaria and at least two woman have taken to boiling up their sons for supper. Well actually only one son, the second lady hid hers after eating the first lady's kid. And its all Elisha's fault.

Another story of lepers who plunder, and people who trample. The Syrian king is sick, he sends Hazael to ask Elisha if he shall recover. I sorta feel like Elisha's being used and abused. Elisha looks at Hazael and begins to cry, saying that the king will recover but he shall die. Elisha tells him that he will reign over Syria and do terrible terrible things, such as ripping up kids and pregnant ladies. Hazael doesn't buy it. But Elisha says God has shown it to him.

So Hazael goes back, tells the king that he will indeed get better then promptly kills him and reigns in his place.....huh.

Same ol same ol over in Judah. New bad king but for David's sake God shan't punish. Then another comes along, Ahaziah also not a good guy.


Jamie said...

I'm surprised I thought there'd be more about the miracles...floating axe head, etc. Anywho, I think you know, but just wanted to make sure everyone else did, too...that is, it wasn't really Elisha's fault (about the famine). That's just the way they took it because he prophesied about it. You know, kill the messenger.

And just to be clear about the Syrian king and H (his military toady). Elisha told him to tell the king that he would recover (from the illness) but that he would die. Not he, H, but he, the king. Foretelling of H's impending murder of his own king. And what about the murder? Smothered with a wet blanket? Yowsers! Again, it's hard to believe that someone made up such randomly odd details. I mean, why not just say he ran him through with his sword. Just as, if not more, believable.

Elisha is a fun little pet to have. I think that's the way most are viewing him. I was gonna say even H from Syria, but actually, since he murdered the king, I guess him too. They are forgetting where Elisha's power and authority come from.

Jamie said...

I meant to say, that I was gonna say 'excep't H from syria in the last paragraph, not 'even'.

Tomorrow, 2 Kings 9-11