Saturday, September 19, 2009

1King 15-16 2 Chron 13-17

I had to bust out a chart again....too many names. God is still trying to give David's family a chance. Rehoboam's son Abijam gives it a go, but apparently he didn't have much to give as we only get a couple verses and he's dead. His son Asa takes a go at it (Asa is my husband's middle name and my step son's name as well as a distance relative of my husbands.....I didn't know twas a Biblical name)

Glad to know that Asa did well. He ran out all the prostitutes and tore down the idols. He even took away his moms title because she had an idol made. He dies and his son takes over. This is all happening in Judah. Israel has a whole other line of men. At one point the land of Israel, is divided in two. Half following Tibni and half followed Omri. Omri is a bad guy, as his his son who leads after he is dead, Ahab.
Ahab marries Jezabel, never a good sign and worships Baal. He actually does more to anger God than anyone else......wowzers!
2 Chron goes into more detail about these fellas

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Jezebel was one evil woman!

This seems all about getting comfortable and forgetting about God. I think this is why in the New Testament it says that it is easier for a camel to pass throught the eye of a needle than for rich man to go to Heaven. It's not about the money itself, it's about our attitude and priorities once we achieve success, financial well-being, and comfort.