Thursday, September 17, 2009

1 King 12-13

Solomons son in now king. Some of his people come to him and ask that the heavy burden of forced labor that was placed on them by Solomon, be lightened. If Rehoboam would lighten the load then they would serve him faithfully forever.

Rehoboam told them to come back in three days. He first consulted with the elders whom served under his father. They said "YES" lighten the burden and you will have a faithful army of followers. He didn't really dig that answer, so he consulted with Turtle, E and Drama....wait this isn't Entourage, sorry. He consulted the guys he grew up, they were like "NO WAY, you tell them that your "loins" are wayyyy bigger than your dads and that you are instead going to make the load heaver"

good choice genius!

So the slaves stoned the foreman to death. The king gets in his chariot and high tails it outta there.

The people elect to have Jeroboam to be their king all except the tribe of Judah whom follows Re. Jeroboam seemed like he was going to be alright. However he started to worry that his peeps were going to head to Jerusalem to worship at Solomons temple. So he decided to build a temple and put 2 giant golden calves in it. He apparently thought it was the simple ACT of worshiping that was important to these people. God doesn't seem all that bothered by it.

Re tried to round up an army to go and take his thrown back, but God steps in and tells everyone to go home.....the shows over.....

Then we get a bizzaro story about this poor guy who comes and talks to Jero, telling him of signs that God has sent. Jero offer him food and drink and he says, no thanks that God has commanded him not to eat or drink. The guy goes on his way. Then this busy body hears the story and seeks the man out. He tells him to come and eat and drink at his house. A gain the guy says thanks, but I have bean told not too. The busy body says that he too is a man of God and that an angel has come and told him that he is to tell the man that God now WANTS him to eat and drink......

So they go to BB house. The man begins to eat and as he is eating BB says ooooooo, you broke your promise to God and now you will not be buried with your people. The guy is very sad.

What is with that? Was he just making it up?

So the guy leaves and I "BLEEP" you not, he gets killed by a lion on his way out. The busy body feels bad and has the man buried in his graveyard. He also tells his sons that when he dies he wants to be buried in the very same grave?

Strange indeed.

In 2Chon 10-12 we get some of the same stories but more detail about what Rehoboam was doing, and none of it was good.