Thursday, September 3, 2009

1 Chron. 26-29, Ps. 127

More division on the labor. David announces that he will build a final resting place for the ark. But God tells him that he is not to build it because he has shed blood.. but he has given me Solomon and said that he shall build it. God has chosen him to be the successor of his father and he in now in his highest favor.

So I just wonder if David had never bed the married Bathsheba, then they would have never had Solomon...then what? Was it written that those two would subsequently be together? Did she take a wrong turn somewhere and end up married,throwing a monkey wrench in the plan? Then God straightened it out again, not too easily, and David had to pay, but ultimately He got Solomon? Or if it had not been Solomon, would it have been someone else? I like to think through these twists and turns life takes us down. I try and imagine the what if I had gone left instead of right? Like had David not taken that walk on the roof that night.....or had Bathsheba fallen asleep before her bath.....would we be reading about someone else? It blows my mind to think that something as tiny and inconsequential as a choice to take a walk could change the entire course of history.... I know, I know God's will. So is it God that nudges us to go on that walk? I doubt it was his will that David sleep with a married woman though, so why would he have him go on that walk?

I am getting SO off subject, "the rambling of a mad women" come to mind......(please ignore the woman behind the curtain).

Back to Solomon....He is now King and the notes tell me, he isn't a good boy for long. Is power to much for man? We have seen few men who have served justly under the weight of all of that power. more times than not they have surcomed to it and abused it. Is it the ultimate test of faith? Do we, as humans, NEED to answer to other humans as well as God? It seems like when that is taken away and it is only God these men have to answer to, few can control themselves.

David dies.

Hate that it vain that I rise up early. Thats no good.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I think God's using Solomon was his turning something bad into something good. This just shows that God can even use our sins/mistakes, that is he can turn them around, for good.

I think we can greatly affect or change the appearance and the course of history. Changing the course does not mean changing the destination or final outcome. But there can be many endings (and middles and beginnings for that matter) that ultimately lead to the same general ending....victory for good, defeat for evil. I think the only thing set in stone is God's victory...all the rest is up in the air. Our course can be straight like a Kansas highway, or crooked like a mountain road, or somewhere in between...our choices determine that.

I think your assertion that we might should have to answer to other men as well as God is wrong. Governments/men have been doing that for thousands of years..answering to both..and it hasn't lessened corruption or abuse of power. In fact, that's a great point. In countries where people answer only to man and not to God, their civilizations have declined. Look at France, for example. They have tried for 200 years to have a secular democracy..void of any acknowledment of God or His precepts in their government or law. Consequently they have had 7 governments in that time.

I'm assuming you're jesting about the rising early. I think it's sort of saying lean on God, and not [independently and boastfully] your own strength and power. This is for non-Christians can get up as early as you want to and stay up as late as the bars stay open. That's a joke.