Wednesday, September 2, 2009

1 Chron. 23-25, Ps. 131, 138-139, 143-145

Once David had set up permanent residence in Jerusalem, he had to get organized. That's what we get here, the organization and duties of each tribe.

I like 139 because it make God seem like quite a crafter. It has him knitting, (oh how I love the knitting metaphors) and embroidering us in various colors. The image that this brings into my head is quite interesting. I may have to sketch it out. We are indeed, His Mighty craft project. (Holy Hobby Lobby, Batman!) It then mentions that the book of our lives was written out before there was a life. Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice.......

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I thought I'd start of before we have any freewill naysayers start in that just because God knows each day of our lives and the choices we will make doesn't mean that He unduly influences those choices. Sort of like watching a re-run...just cause you know what's going to happen, doesn't mean you're influencing it in anyway.

In 139 we see that God is a very personal God. He's very concerned about us individually. He takes great care to know us and create us in great detail. Having studied the seven main world religions I didn't find this in any other (at least not to this extent). Many of their gods are very generalized in their precepts..sort of like one size fits all. Not too many express their god(s) taking such great care to know and care about an individual as a unique person. I find verse 23 very brave. How many of us would invite God to search our hearts and thoughts thoroughly? God knows them already, but how many would send out that invitation? And 24 is a great thing to do on a daily basis...asking God to help you get rid of any thing in your heart and mind that is keeping you from His best.

In. 143:8 we see another good idea...asking God each morning to help us and guide us throughout the day. In Ps. 145:2 David tells us that everyday there is a new reason to be thankful and praise God for. In 18 we see that God is near and ready to respond when we call upon Him.

Tomorrow, 1 Chron. 26-29, Ps. 127