Monday, August 24, 2009

psalm 25, 29, 33, 36, 39 2 sam 8-9 1 chron. 17

This is what I got from the following Psalms:

Love 25:7 I know that I need at least a years worth on constant, nonstop prayer to cover all the sins on my youth. The rest of this just says to me that God will teach you how to be a good, honest, humble person if you trust in him. Open yourself up to him and he will guide you down the right path.

29: Gods voice is mighty and powerful. When he speaks to you, you will feel it through your whole body. No matter what the trouble, no matter how big and strong it may seem (breaks the cedars) he can break through it and carry you to the other side if you allow him to.

33: Words are a powerful thing. When you praise God, praise him loudly and he even enjoys a good song every now and then.

36: This one is all about the bad guys. These people fool themselves into believing what they are doing is justified. They no longer see wrong for what it is. I work with lots of these people. But if we stay strong and true to what we know is right we will see these people for what they are and they will not be able to drag us down with them. This is hard when you are surrounded by people who complain and moan and groan and hate their lives and their jobs... They are energy suckers. I try everyday to put on a happy face and do battle with them. I overtake them with joy and happiness and sometimes I am able to turn their day around, other times not. But I always try to say positive.

39: could not have come at a better time and I wonder if it was put in today's reading because I needed it? I let most of what people say slide right of my back, like water on a duck....but only to a point then I let em have it. I simple cannot control my mouth after my limit has been reached. It is a total body take over. I feel the blood rushing from my feet straight up to my head, I start to sweat, and I completly loose control of my mouth. I say exactly what comes to my head. I never yell, but I don't censor either. Its like I literally loose control of my body and immediately afterwards I feel guilty. This does not happen often, I'd say once or twice a year. But I suppose even that is too much. I will work on walking away.....simply walking away.....


Jamie said...

I have nothing to add, believe it or not.

Jamie said...

Today's was 1 Chron. 18, not 17. Probably just a type-o.

Tomorrow, Ps. 50, 53, 60, 75; 2 Sam. 10; 1 Chron. 19; Ps. 20. Yes, in that order.