Saturday, August 22, 2009

Psalm 89,96,100, 105, 132, 2Samuel 7, 1 Chron 17

89: God is good, God is great....yadda, yadda, yadda......he loves us and we him.

96: Well I thing vs.13 says all that needs to be said. " HE shall judge the world with righteousness and justice and the peoples with His faithfulness and truth." So I just don't think the rest of us need waste our precious time doing it.

100: *see commentary on 89

105: Abraham, Joseph, Egypt, Moses, plagues, smotting, wilderness wandering, water rock, Canaan. I cannot believe there is no mention of the Red Sea. Really? How did that get left out?

132: David and the Lord making arrangements for a final resting place. Not a final resting place like we think of a final resting place, but a literal "final place to stay and kick back" and enjoy just, you know.....being God.

2 Sam 7
So Davids living it up in a great place, but he says to his friend "Hey man, look at this, I've got this great pad but I've got the Lord (or his representation) stuck out in a crappy tent". Thinking that somehow this can't be right he makes vague plans to build the Lord a amazing house to chill in.
God hears this through the grapevine and for reasons unknown to my little mind decides to talk to Davids friend. He's like "tell David I've been slumming it for so long I really don't mind. He doesn't need to build me a house to live in.....I AM God you know"

1 Chron 17: Is this exactly like 2 sam 7 or am I just crazy?


Jamie said...

We can see from many of these verses that we should make known the goodness and blessings God bestows upon us. You know, a testimony of all the good things He's done for us.

96, that is exactly right. He is the only one who is totally and completely without sin or unrighteousness, that's why it can only be Him. Afterall, how silly would it be for someone to attempt to judge us for say....blasphemy, if that person say....was guilty of lying and stealing? P-r-e-t-t-y silly.

101:3 I will set no base or wicked thing before my eyes. In other words, watch what you watch on TV, the internet, etc. If you don't separate yourself from things that corrupt - people, inapprop. movies, music, etc. it will be very difficult to get your mind focused on God. Garbage in, garbage out.

105. Meditate on the victories, on the good things, on uplifting thoughts....where your mind is so your body (and life) will follow. If you think negative, defeated, and depressed thoughts, you will live that kind of life.

132 God's promise of the Messiah.

2 Sam 7 and 1 Chron 17...David expresses his grateful desire to build God a more fitting place to rest the Ark. That is not God's plan, however, He wants Solomon (David's son) to do it. I don't particularly remember why. If anyone else knows please chime in. Although we may read why soon.

Jamie said...

I wanted to note a couple more things I forgot.

1) God is promising to send the Messiah (David's offspring) and that He (Jesus, the Messiah) would establish God's house (the church), and God would establish His (Jesus') throne forever.

2) In 1 Chron 17:17 we see, again, that although David sees/saw himself as a regular joe of sorts, God saw him as he was His own image.....a great creation. We need to start seeing ourselves how God sees us.