Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Psalm 1,2,15, 22, 23, 24, 47, 68

I bet my dear friend James loves Psalm 1.

Psalm 2 I believe is telling kings not to get to high and mighty, remember who is really in charge.

I'll tell you why I like Psalms like 22, because they show the humanity of these Biblical peeps. David, who was hand picked by God, even is like "why me?" sometimes. I read when Mother Theresa died that she questioned her faith many many times. That stuck with me. I think about probably once a week. That told me that I'm not so crazy, that even someone who has literally dedicated her life to glorifying God, wondered sometimes. I find great comfort in that.

When I hear Psalm 23, or read it in this case I always think of Gone With the Wind. There's a scene in the movie in which a women is reading it to a wounded solider about to die.

47 is a littttle to delightful

and then there's 68

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Yes, I do. Esp. vs. 2. As Crystal can attest to, I do often meditate on God and His teachings and commandments throughout the day. I attempt to apply them to every aspect of my life. I strongly believe that to live a Christian life (not practice it) you have to have Christianity as a world view. So it is vitally important to meditate and focus on the precepts found in God's Word.

Ps. 23 is of course, a well known passage. However, I always (because of my Pentecostal upbringing) thought of it in a darker sense - that is, it's something to read when you're afraid. But have recently began to look at this differently. This amplified version is excellent for this. So, I'm gonna take it piece by piece....
vs. 1 God will provide for us, guide us, and protect us.
vs. 2 He will do this in abundance. He can give you peace.
vs. 3 He will refresh you mentally and emotionally. He will lead you in the way you should go (in doing right).
vs. 4 We may have troubles in life, but they are here to pass, not stay...we are walking THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, not setting up house there. And when they come we don't need to be afraid or worried, because God is always right there with us. I want to explaing something about a shepherd staff. It was a long, strong, wooden rod with a curve or hook on one end. Shepherd used it to defend against wolves - that is, protect the sheep, to guide the sheep in the direction they should go, and with the hook they used it to rescue sheep from ledges, and pits, etc. that they may have fallen on to or in to. THAT is what we can confidently expect in God. How great is that?
vs. 5 I refer to the notes at the bottom....'the Lord invigorates and refreshes us with the annointing of His Spirit'.
vs. 6 It has been explained to me by a pastor that the original meaning of the word here "follow" actually more closely meant pursue. So God's mercy and unfailing love will pursue you forever. Pursue is better than follow because follow doesn't really infer catching, whereas pursuing is more to follow, catch, and overtake. You can't get away from God's blessings....they will follow you, catch you, and engulf you.

Love 47:6 "Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!