Saturday, August 29, 2009

ps 3-4, 12-13, 28, 55 2sam 16-18

2 sam 16-18:

Chaos is aplenty. All hell is breaking loose, literally as well as figuratively. We have Mephibosheth after the throne of his grandpa Saul. And Absalom taking the throne of his dad. In Psalm 3 he speaks to God saying "Lord, How they are increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me" That's putting it mildly, I would say. Absalom eventually comes into town and sleeps with his dads concubines.

By and by Davids men fight Absalom and kill him. David had asked that they not. I feel like he's on the verge of a major breakdown.

Psalm 4 David is asking the Lord to listen to him. He is also telling the men who are after him to watch out, because he is God's chosen and he is pretty sure that God is listening to him. Then he speaks again to God telling him that he finds more happiness in him than he does in wine. He will sleep in peace because he knows God is watching over him.

12: Here David speaks to God about all the bad people doing and saying bad things.

13: David here is telling God to look and listen!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I don't see in here where Mephibosheth was trying to take the throne. I think he was pretty loyal, but somewhat too immobile to follow after David.
I agree, David is beginning to seem somewhat emotionally fragile. I think that without God, and His help, David would not have made it through any of this either physically or emotionally. David acknowledges that although he has troubles, when he calls, God hears and answers him. Ps. 55:16 As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord will save me. Ps. 55:22 is one of my all time favs. : Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you...