Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ps. 32, 51, 86, 122; 2 Sam. 13-15

32: admit your sins to God and he will forgive you. Just like as parents (and teacher) we would like our children just to own up to what they did. We know they did it anyway, as He know the sins people commit. So just say your sorry and "you better say it like you mean it, mister!"
51:5, they blamed their mothers for their problems back then as well. Here David is apologizing and asking for forgiveness for sleeping with Bath. Here David makes what turns into such a clique, get me through this and I will (fill in the blank).
86: David here is thanking God for seeing him through his rough patch and telling him he will use his remaining time to glorify him.
122:a prayer for Jerusalem.
2 sam 13- 14
Its gettin crazy up in here. Davids son is smitten with his half sister (is that right) so he devises a plan to get her to feed him and then he rapes her and THEN is disgusted by here and has her thrown out. SWEET! Right?
Soooo one of his brothers kills him two years later. And David is glad.
More trickery in 14 when Joab hires a player to act the part of an old widow woman who's son has recently killed her other son. Her family is really super mad and wants the living son to also be killed.
She asks David to please put a stop to the avenger of blood. David agrees.
David asks "did Joab put u up to this"? "He did! You are so super smart" says she.
And because of this little charade Absalom is allowed to come home. Apparently Absalom was a hot-TY with some amazing hair. There then seems to b some sort of miscommunication and Abs burns down Joabs fields and visits with his dad.


Jamie said...

Ps. 51 is where we see the notion that we are all born into sin. We are sinners [born into a state of sin] from the beginning, but are not held accountable until we know and can understand right from wrong and the salvation that exists through Jesus Christ. This is a very important chapter.

David is beginning to see some of his punishment for the whole Bathsheeba incident. He is de-throned, or at least conspired against by his own son. Butt David may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night, so he supplants some spies and what not inside Absalom's advisors to purposely give bad advice, and to let him (David) know what Absalom is planning.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow, Ps. 3-4, 12-13, 28, 55; 2 Sam. 16-18