Monday, August 10, 2009

1 samuel 28-31 Psalm 18 1 Chronicles10

You HAVE to love a King who disguises himself and visits a witch in order that she may summon up a dead priest to give him advice. This is a king I want ruling over me, when I move to La La Land that is.

What a nut! This guy hopefully takes the cake, I pray we see none who laugh so directly at God.

We have some battle and surprise, the Philistines betray David. Betrayal seems to be a running theme today. So David takes them all out, he smites some and he smote others. Saul either kills himself or gets killed. Either way our bumbling idiot is no mas.

Lots of tears are shed. This should be a lesson to all those "men don't cry" people. The parents at my school are the worst, they always yell when their kids cry. Next time I'm going to tell them that King David cried.....A LOT, see what they have to say about that!

Psalm 18: This has to be the longest Psalm, David is a talker. He loves to speak to the Lord and apparently write it all down. At 72 Psalms to his credit, he did write the most. The DISTANT second is Asaph who comes in with a measly 12. The clear winner is David.

I love 25-28.

1 Chronicles10:
Just a recount of Saul's death.


Jamie said...

First of all, it's Chronicles ya big nerd.

I think I had said in an earlier post about Saul not obeying God (and not just in smiting)(1 Sam28:18; 1 Chron.10:13,14). He has lost God's favor in battle and in life. Deservedly so.

I thought it was very interesting that the medium described Samuel's spirit as a god [terrifying superhuman being]. That's weird, wild stuff, man.

David was sort of betrayed by the Phils cause they didn't trust him to fight with them, but it was the Amalekites that David laid the smack down on, not the Phils. Saul's death, and that of his sons on the same day, and his losing the kingdom were all fulfillment of prophesy.

Here is one of the few times the Bible mentions cremation. I've always debated myself over whether or not cremation is ok, Biblically. I don't know. But I do know the times it's mentioned it's about really bad people.

Lest we forget, Jonathan was slain in this too.

I can't find where David was crying. I'm sure he bawled over Jonathan, but I don't see where it says specifically David was crying. In fact, I just went back and looked, and I don't see where anyone cried for Saul. The only thing it says is they fasted for seven days. I'm getting the feeling he wasn't missed.

Jamie said...

Tues. Aug. 11 reading is, Ps. 121, 123-125, 128-130; 2 Sam. 1-4

Whendsome said...

I was just testing you with that Cointhians thing, making sure you were still paying attention. Congrats! You passed the test.

My crying comment was put in the wrong spot. Twas refering to 30:4, and also refering back to 20:41. No crying over Saul, just general weeping. (which I am aware has a different meaning than actually boo hooing, but I like the image)

I wonder about the cremation thing because to me once your "soul" is gone then whats your body? Seems just an empty vessel. I just see cemetaries as wasted space.

Unknown said...

How is that I can remain civil in the face of personal attacks from Jamie, yet still make a salient point about free will using Jamie's definition, but all my posts are removed?

Covering your eyes may make you feel safe but you look silly.

Whendsome said...

Look fella, I am not covering my eyes. I have read your post over and over again which I need not do because they all say the same thing. Jamie and I have discussed them at great length. We discuss them on the phone however because I am better that way. Its been done. I removed the comments, from all three of you by the way, so lets not be silly and act like I'm picking on you, because they had nothing to do with anything. It pissed me off that no one listened to me and this is my blog. Childish, you may say and to that I answer...YES!

Unknown said...


This is why it's pointless to talk to fundamentalists. The moment it gets real and you start discussing actual truths about their beliefs they shut down (but not before a bevy of personal attacks).

My posts say the same thing b/c each time Jamie changes the rules (quality vs. voluntary was the last example.)

My point was made and Jamie had no valid response, only personal attacks.

I may have been smug, but I didn't question Jamie's sexuality or intelligence. I only held his beliefs to the strict standards of logic and reason. His beliefs failed this test, but he still sticks to them.

This is the foundation of ignorance.