Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Judges 8-9

I was thinking about "bad guys" after I read this morning. There have been bad guys before of course, but have we read an entire story about one before? I can't think of one.

This story is about Amimelech, he is Gideon son, whom he had with his maid servant.

I've gotten ahead of myself though. 1st we have chapter 8 wherein as Gideon wins his battles and is told by the people to rule over them, he and his sons and his sons sons, for he has delivered them from the hand of Midian.

So it goes that Gideon has 70 sons, including our "bad guy". Gideon eventually dies as we all must and before the last heap of dirt is placed on his grave, the lunatics have takes control of the asylum once more.

Its so true for most of us that we NEED to have someone in charge, to set our limits and to remind us when we are doing wrong. However the wrong guy grabs the reigns this time.

Back to where I started. The bad guy takes control. Now I may be wrong but I think this is the first one who has taken control, that God did not first speak to.

He begins by slaying all 70, lest on wo gets away, brothers. Now he is Gideons only son, and so should righfully, in his eyes, be the leader.

Long story shortened, he's awful. He ends up in a city and has all the people trapped in a tower, of which he is about to burn. An old lady droppes a stone from the top of the tower and it hits him in his head and is killing him. He turns to one of him men and says "kill me with your sword, so people can't say I was killed by a woman".


So I just want to end todays by saying....Did you hear about that guy Abimelech?? He was totally killed by some old lady with a rock!! Isn't that hilarious!!!


Jamie said...

Lots and lots of drama and battle. I just wanted to make the point that Gideon was the least in his family, and his family least in his clan, and his clan least in his tribe, etc. But God had put within him all that he needed. It doesn't matter where you come from or how others see you. You have an intrinsic value (which is great) that God has put within you guaranteed by the treasury of Heaven. It matters only how God sees you, and He sees you as great. Choose to see yourself the way God sees you.

Tomorrow is Judg. 10-13

test said...

How did God see Hitler? Pol Pot, Those responsible for the Inquisition...the Americans who founded this land by doling out lies, bullets, and disease to a people who already lived and loved it?

Should I loan God my glasses?