I looked for quite some time this morning for that map. The closest I could find was this?
I'm not sure I even want to get into the fact that what these people today suffer is because of this book. The lives that have been lost, for what may or may not be a totally made up agenda.
On a much more upbeat note, its funny how much wacky stuff there is out there related to the study of the Bible. Yesterdays opening picture was a linguistic map of Joshua and today I found a study of the math of Joshua.
That was the kind of map I was wanting to see. Thanks.
Are you seriously blaming all of the problems in that area on the Bible? Really? I guess those wacky Islamic fundamentalists are just victims, huh? What about the Koran? What's responsible for all the problems and death in Asia (Korean peninsula, Russia, etc.) or in Europe, or Africa. I don't think you thought that comment out.
As far as the text goes, the only thing I wanted to point out was the last verse in ch21. God kept His promise. He is faithful.
The largest genocides in the world occured in other regions...the holocaust in Europe, Darfur in Africa, Rwanda in Africa, Pol Pot's mass murders (of millions) in SE Asia, etc. The only people in the Middle East today that want mass murder/annihilation is Iran and Syria.
We are finishing Joshua tomorrow.
If God were real he'd be guilty of the most genocides in history.
I think when Crystal says "that book" she is referring to religion as a whole, as a thing...as "that book".
God Likes to Kill Hella People for the link.
Here's a few of my favorites:
God makes a wall fall on Syrian soldiers 1 Kg.20:30 27,000
God forces Midianite soldiers to kill each other. Jg.7:2-22, 8:10, BT 120,000
"The Lord smote the Ethiopians." 2 Chr.14:9-14 1,000,000
From plague as punishment for David's census (men only; probably 200,000 if including women and children) 2 Sam.24:13, 1 Chr.21:7 70,000+
For complaining about the lack of food and water, God sent fiery serpents to bite the people, and many of them died. Num.21:6, BT 100?
or dancing naked around Aaron's golden calf Ex.32:27-28, 35, BT 3000
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