Thursday, July 23, 2009

Joshua 12-15

Check out that site to read about the diagram above, some pretty weird wacky stuff.

Chapter 12 is just a list of all the kings and such that Joshua has dealt with. Then in 13 the Lord is telling Joshua what is left to be done as well as how the land should be divided up amongst the tribe who are to receive land.

Caleb pipes up and says

"Hey, remember how Moses said I was so crazy brave for wanting to fight those giants for the Lord? And he promised me an inheritance of land.....Yeah,well I'll take those hills over there."

And so he recieved Hebron.

Today when I looked for pictures of Hebron I found a couple of really nice ones like this

But mostly I found pictures like this

Which always leads to the thought, is this what religion has become? Is this what God had in
mind when he said these people could have this land?

How interesting that the last sentence in 14:15 which is refering to Hebron is "and the land had rest from war"

Then we get more land division, which looks a little something like this:

Now if Jamie would please remind me what he wanted me to look up and add about the land, I shall do it tomorrow.


Jamie said...

When I look at the pic with the Israeli soldier pointing his weapon at those women all I can think of is "BOOM!" as one of those harmless/helpless women detonates a bomb vest. This is what becomes of the Israelites not obeying God and getting rid of all the inhabitants of that land and not letting any of them remain among them.

I was gonna see if you could find an overlay of the Promised Land with a modern map.

Tomorrow is 16-21

test said...

All I can think of when I see that photo is how pathetic religion is, and how much good could have been accomplished by the children, men, and women who were blown up by someone instilled with fanaticism.

maybe the cure for cancer, MS, AIDS, birth defects lived in the minds of one of those blown apart by someone who thought they were doing the bidding of a make believe friend.

Religion poisons, and murders and it has nothing to do with someone obeying or disobeying a make believe cloud buddy.

Find an overlay of that.

test said...

Also, you are a really disgusting human being to insinuate they deserve to be blown to bits by someone who believes different stuff than them, and because their ancenstors didn't play Simon Says properly with your make believe god.