Saturday, June 13, 2009

Genesis 41-45

Two years have past since last we had heard from our dear dreamer.

He still sits in Prison, but that's all about to change. Pharaoh is having some dreams that are bugging him. No one he talked to could interpret these dreams (to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure why they didn't just make something up?) Anyhoo, the Butler told him about this bloke he met in jail who was a WIZ at interpreting dreams.

He send for him and again he hit the nail on the head and tells Pharaoh that his dreams basically mean, Egypt shall have 7 fruitful years followed by 7 years of nada. Then Joseph is so bold as to tell Pharaoh what he should do with news.

Joseph suggest that he appoint a governor to take one-fifth of all the crops grown over the superfluous years and store them away for the famine.

Joe gets the job, second only in matters of the thrown. He gets married. Married? MARRIED! Has a boy and a girl. Famine hits, people are hungry, when it reached everyone he opened the stores and the relief began.

Back to Jacob...remember him....his family is hungry and so he actually says "don't just stand there looking at one another...get down there and buy us some grain!"

So ten of the men head out, but not Benjamin, Josephs full bro. Oh no, Jacob learned his lesson the last time he let a favorite son alone with that bunch. All he got back was a shred of his dreamcoat dripping with goat blood.

They go and they see Joseph but don't recognize him, but he does know who they are and so he plays a little game with them.

First he calls them spies and to prove that they re not spy's he keeps one in jail and tells the others to bring their other brother to him. Easy enough, right?......WRONG! He send them on their way with their rice and their money hidden in the sacks of rice.

Once they reach home they have to convince Jake to allow them to take his dear, sweet Benji back to Egypt. Once they run out of food off they go with Ben in tow.

They release Simeon, and have dinner with Joseph, who is all torn up over seeing his little bro. He then sends them on their way again with food, their money and a hidden silver cup in Ben's bag.

Then he has his men capture them and accuse Ben of theft.

They are brought back and accused and Joseph says that Ben must be his servant. The brother freak out and say "OMG you can't take him, our dad will KILL us (literally) if we don't bring Ben home. He super loves him and has already lost the other son he super loved!".....or something along those lines.

So one of the bros offers himself up and that's just too much for Joe. He cracks up and says "Man, get up, its ME Joseph! You have totally been punked!" then Ashton Kucher comes out.......wait.........I don't........I'm not sure if.......Yeah that's not right........let me go back.....

So one of the bros offers himself up and that's just too much for Joe. He says "I am Joseph" and they hug and he tells them not too feel bad because it was God who sent me here, not you guys.

and they go get the dad..................

This is a great story. I just always felt like if I was Joe I would have been like "why you stick up for Ben and not for me?!" I always thought I'd be pretty mad about that and how they said "yeah, my dad already lost one of Rachel's son's" uhhhhh yeah! you sold him for a slave!

I suppose that's why he got the amazing technicolor dreamcoat and not me.

Joseph's a really great guy, there should be more Josephs around.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

God will never leave you nor forsake you. He can turn all things around for your good. No matter what happened to Joseph, God always turned it around to his advantage, because he always remained faithful to the Lord.

Ashton Kutcher wasn't there cuz he's a b-rate actor and God never uses b-rate actors, only good ones, like Yule Brenner and Charlton Heston.

And yes, Joseph display another important attribute...the ability to forgive. We must forgive as we have been forgiven. If we can't forgive, then we can't receive forgiveness....kind of like love.