Friday, June 12, 2009

Genesis 36-40

Back to Genesis we go....

We pick up with the descendants of Esau, that is Edom(?) so we all know what that means.......visual aid!!

So we learn in 37 that Jacob(I'm probably going to keep calling him Jacob, and I apologize) loved Joseph best because he was his son of old age. Although I always thought it was because he was born to his favorite wife. Shows you what Andrew Lloyd Webber knows.

He gives his favorite son a long sleeved tunic to wear, apparently this is very special. Here again I may occasionally fall into calling it a "dreamcoat" and ONCE AGAIN I apologize if in calling his long sleeved tunic a dreamcoat, I offend anyone. An amazing, technicolor dreamcoat just seems like a way better gift to give your favorite kid than a long sleeved tunic.

The other boys, they were none to pleased with Joseph and his amazing, technicolor dreamcoat.

As if this wasn't just cause enough to dislike their brother, he also had these dreams. He had a couple of dream in which his corn, or star was the biggest and best. While the other 11 stars and corn bowed down to his. Not exactly the type of dreams theses brothers like to hear.

They then devise a plan to rid their family of this tunic wearing dreamer.

1st they think of throwing him in a pit. Then a smelly bunch of Ishmaelites drove past and they decided to sell him as a slave instead. Everyone is in on it, save Reuben. They then kill a goat, rip up his dreamcoat and dip it in the blood.

They return to Jacob and show him the dreamcoat and then they all sing "One more angel in heaven".....oh wait!! That's the play.......

Ladies and Gentleman let us now turn our attentions away from the nasty business of Jacob's sons to the history of the descendants of Judah:

These family trees can have some pretty strange branches on them. Judah gets bamboozled into sleeping with his daughter-in-law, after the two sons she did marry end up dead. She pretends to be a prostitute and beds him. She ends up having his twins.

And now back to Joe.

Joseph was a good slave so he was quickly elevated to "house slave". He apparently was also a looker (with a resemblance to Donny Osmaond) The rulers wife fell for him and wanted him to sleep with her. Joseph being such a good man, refused.

She was so angry that she told everyone he had attacked her. Alas, he was thrown in jail.

There he met a butler, a baker and a candlestick maker...jk about the candlestick maker. They both had dreams and even without his dreamcoat he was able to interpret them. The butlers was good and he was freed, the bakers was not, and he was hanged.

That's where we leave Joe today, alone in his cell....

I am beginning to see the theme of the righteous being tested throughout this book.

Please enjoy the clip from the play

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Funny stuff, Ms. Crystal, funny stuff.

Joseph may or may not have been a good slave, regardless, he was blessed by God. That's the point I'd like to make. Although he was sold as a slave, God still turned that situation around for Joseph, and made him prosperous despite being a slave. In fact, even after his master threw him in prison, God caused him to be prosperous in jail. Amazing! the dreamcoat.