Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Exodus 7-14

Let me begin by asking, does anyone else hear Cameron from Ferris Buller's Day Off, every time Moses asks Pharaoh to let his people go?

Next let me ask, I follow how the Israelites are considered God's people because we can trace all their people back. But then who are all of these other people? How did they get here?

Pharaoh, huh! I just thought I was stubborn. Even I was going "come on man! really?" I mean the blood water would have been enough for me, I don't care if the magicians and jugglers (?) could do it or not. We all know today, that if someone can mess with your water supply then you better be on your guard.

And the frogs, I mean seriously.

But when the magician couldn't bring forth the biting gnats, that would have fo sho sealed the deal for me.

The question which begs to be asked of course is, why the biting gnats? Why was that their weak spot?

I need a little clarity on this point, I can't understand why God continued to "harden Pharaohs heart". He seemed to be all on-board with the exodus thing, after some crazy thing or other happened, but then his heart would be hardened and we would be back to square one....

the point of that was...?

Apparently, the unleavened bread thing is of mucho importante in the passover. It is referred to at least 8 times. To be truthful, by the time I finished reading these chapters, I had to go eat a few flour tortillas, just to be on the safe side. And, I can't be totally certain that I won't be responsible for throwing away all the baking powder in the house.

I must admit here that I had no idea whatsoever what the Passover was. Furthermore, if in playing a game Balderdash one of the definitions was "when the Lord passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt" I NEVER would have chosen it. I would've thought that way too obvious a definition.

The Israelite have safely made it across the Red Sea. I will only refer to Charlton Heston, to say that I will not refer at all to Charlton Heston, its just so overdone...

I think Moses and Aaron make a superb team but obviously, Moses steals the spotlight.

Aaron should get a little credit however, I mean really, I never heard of the guy.

I like to imagine that this is Moses, fishing with Aaron. You see that look on his face.....he's such a show off


Jamie said...

If you had been paying attention, Ms. Crystal, you'd know where all of the other people came from. Remember, all mankind stems from Noah, after the flood. The tower of Babel, etc. You'd better review. In fact, Egyptians, according to your graphic, came from Esau (Jacob's brother's decendants).

God continued to harden Pharaoh's heart, according to what we just read (just a couple of verses: Ex. 10:1,2 Ex. 11:9). For one thing He had to make the Egyptians want to get rid of the Israelites so bad that they'd be willing to give them silver and gold and just say, Yeah, yeah, whatever, take my stuff, just go. And that's, of course, what they did.

The yeast in leavened bread signifies corruption. That's why it needs to be unleavened. Maybe that's the corruption of the Egyptian overseers mistreating the Israelite slaves. Not sure. The Passover is exactly what you said it was....The passing over of the marked Israelites' houses of the Angel of Death(Destruction). Not sure if that's his official title; I mean, really, can you see that on a door or desk name plate...or bus. card?

And how'd you get to the Red Sea? Oh, wait, I see, you read two extra chapters. No wonder you were saying this was a lot of reading for one day.

70 Israelites came to Egypt 430 years earlier with hardly anything. Now, they're leaving with all of the spoils of Egypt, and 600,000 men, not including women and children. I'd have to say that's a blessing. THAT'S turning something bad into something good.

Btw, I think there's Egyptian hyroglyphics (sp?) that refer to this little incident with the plagues and what not. I'll have to look into that more. One thing that struck me about the plagues is the darkness that could be felt.

Whendsome said...

Thanks for all of the clarifications.

I went back and reviewed, if only I had a photographic memory I shan't need constant review.

And I think it might go a little something like this....."You have reached The Angel of Death, I am unable(luckily for you) to take your call right now, please leave you name, number and a brief plea for mercy. I will return your call when your number is up. Thank You"
Although I don't know how he pulls off the parenthesis in a voice message, but because he's the Angel of Death, I'm gonna to just let it lie.