Monday, March 8, 2010

Rom. 11-13

When a part of an olive tree isn't producing it may need to be cut away for the good of the rest of the tree. On the other hand, sometimes a wild olive is struggling to produce but if it had a little help and support it could become as mighty and strong as the rest of the tree. The thing is, it can be grafted, in the place of the unproducing branches, onto the the much larger and more fruitful olive tree. In doing that, the wild olive gets all the nurturing and support of the entire tree, as well as the vast and crazy important root system.

I feel like maybe I'm the wild olive in this situation?

I love all of Chapter 12, and in 13 which says, just try really really hard to love one another and the rest just falls into place. Hate and anger rob so many people of so much time. I feel so sorry when I see a person so full of hate and anger. I just wish they could understand what they are losing in spending all that negative emotion on other people. I want so badly for them to be visited by 3 ghosts like Mr. Scrooge....

1 comment:

Jamie said...

You all know how I like to point out groups that try to twist the Word around to fit whatever nonsense they want to promote. So, in chpt. 11 we have a strong refutation of a lot of white supremacists' ideology - that the Jews killed Jesus and they are somehow disowned by God, etc. Paul makes it clear that although the Gentiles were grafted into the "believer tree", they are supported by the roots which are the [Jewish] prophets/saints/remnant of old like Abraham, Elijah, etc. And we see that the rest of Israel can be re-grafted in whenever they decide to "wake up".

11:33-34 God's ways and thoughts are higher than our own; which should be intuitive because He's God, but some still try to "figure" everything out. Knowledge is fine, and trying to better understand is fine, but we must remember that there are things that we need to place in the 'I don't know' file.

In chp 12, Paul encourages us to dedicate all of our selves to God, including, and esp. our thoughts. And to stand out and be different, as new creatures in Christ, from the rest of the sinful world.

I really like 12:6-7. Maybe a new mantra for our D4S ministry that I told you all about a few days back.

Paul encourages everyone to use whatever gifts/talents/abilities that they have. You don't have to be a pastor, missionary, sunday school teacher, etc. There are many ways to serve.

IF possible, AS FAR AS IT DEPENDS ON YOU, live at peace with everyone. If you read this carefully and with thought, you will see it is not telling you to be a doormat. Don't start problems and try to quell strife when you can.

12:19 If we avenge ourselves then we are closing the door for God to do it for us. And His retribution and payback will be much better than anything we could come up with.

Chpt. 13 is a God-fearing government. You'll notice Paul gives it good attributes, so of course, this would not apply to a non-God-fearing/atheistic goverment/leadership. vs. 7 doesn't say pay taxes, etc. blindly without question. It says pay what is DUE. And if only we all would adhere to vs. 8: "Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except love..."

Tomorrow is Rom. 14-16