Friday, March 19, 2010

1 Peter

Peter seems to be saying in this letter that Christians all over should be setting good examples for the Faith. He says even if you have enemies and people are talking bad about Christians, make the way you live your life such a great example that they are basically shut down. Even if they don't believe in the same things, make is so they they can no fault in they way you, as Christians, choose to live.

I actually know a few of these Christians and I always, always refer to them when making an argument for the Faith. One of these people is my friends son, Jacob. I always say "a Christian, like Jacobs a Christian....." He should be a poster boy for the religion, if someone studied this kid, and understood Christianity through his eyes, there is no way you could argue against it. The really odd thing too is that he came to it all on his own. His parents do not attend church and I know for a fact his mother is not a Christian, not sure about his father.

Another one that always comes to mind is my daughters religion teacher at school. She has the sweetest, kindest disposition and I don't think this woman has ever done a bad thing in her life. She works tirelessly to raise money to build water wells in African villages. She gives all of her time with a peaceful smile on her face...

With people like these representing the faith, you may still disagree with it, but you can hardly argue that it isn't a good thing. I think that's the point Peter was making.

Peter continues to talk of being good, honest people so that no one has an ill word to say about the followers of Christ. I think this is a great letter and one I wish more people would read and take to heart.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

All very true.

Peter, as the 'creator' of the Catholic religion doesn't seem to mind marriage too much. He also makes a crucial point about baptism being a conscious testimony to our faith in Christ. Not sure how a baby can do that. Hmmm.

Tomorrow is Hebrews 1-6