Thursday, February 25, 2010

1 Cor. 1-4

So the people of Corinth are bickering. I belong to this church, you belong to that lets fight. Sound familiar.

Paul reminds them that they are all serving Jesus, not their ministers. Let us not confuse the two. The preachers (including Paul) are there to plant and water the seed only. God makes it grow.

They are warned of becoming boastful and reminded about remaining humble.


Jamie said...

I think it's worse than that. It seems as though they are in-fighting within the same church. Instead of going about God's business, they are worried about who's better than the other, and using their respective teachers as standards - kind of sounds like the apostles. It just goes to show that this is all a process, and we are all at different stages on the journey.

Crystal, you are God's vineyard.

Tomorrow is 1 Cor. 5-8

Whendsome said...

Thank you, I sorta needed that.