Friday, January 29, 2010

Matt. 23 and Luke 20-21

Not much new in Luke 20 but you can feel a definite shift in His delivery. Everything seems more urgent, more straight to the point, the parables are shorter and the message darker.
Luke 21 goes even deeper into the grim side of reality. People will hate you for your beliefs, He says. People close to you will turn their backs on you.....and even betray you for listening to Me.
Jamie and I have talked this point into the ground. I could write pages and pages about our discussions on this one subject. Bottom line is, in my personal everyday life as a Southerner, its hard for me to imagine that someone would hate you for being a Christian. Quite the opposite down here.....but I see it happening on tv, in the news, and all around the world.
And of course it happens the other way around, with people being killed in countless wars in Christ's name....but two wrongs do not a right make.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Other than the Crusades, instigated and promoted by the Pope, what wars have been fought in Christ's name? I know of none. And if you add up all the people who were killed by Stalin (a staunch atheist) they are more than all the people killed fighting over the Holy Land in all of history. We shan't even discuss how many people were killed by other atheists, in the name of atheism, like Mao, Pol Pot, Lenin, Hitler, etc.

Tomorrow is Mark 13