Sunday, January 24, 2010

Matt. 19 and Mark 10

The issue of marriage and divorce comes up again, with the only available reason for divorce, unfaithfulness by the wife. A disciple says "if the case of a man with his wife is like this, it is neither profitable nor advisable to marry" To which Jesus says....indeed, tis not for all.

Jesus then runs through the commandments, and talks about how hard it is to get into heaven if you're a rich man. Not because you have wealth singularly, but because many people get corrupted by money and greed. Your heart lies with your treasure.

He talks of his death and Resurrection also.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

This (Matt. 19:10-12) is, ,in part where Catholics get that priests should not marry. They of course use vs. 10 out of context as you can see here.

In Matt. 19:17&21, and Mark 10:18 we see the definition of "perfect"...which had escaped and beleagured our former adversary back in the summer. Jesus even says, that, to this definition, He is not perfect. It is made clear here, that the actual achievment of perfection is not expected (or even attainable). Perfect: having that spiritual maturity which accompanies self-sacrificing character. Plus, we've already read that it is not sacrifice that God wants from us. This, I hope, will end any confusion arisen out of any earlier verses taken out of context or misunderstood about us achieving perfection, as we would think of it.

Lastly, Mark 10:42-43. Again, we see a little competiveness betwixt the disciples, and Jesus sets them straight on how a leader/teacher/pastor should act/lead. I would say it is quite a stark difference in how many religious leaders lead, esp. in the Catholic hiearchy, Pope included.

Tomorrow is Matt. 20-21