Sunday, January 3, 2010

Luke 7

I think John a pretty cool cat. I kinda wish there was more about John.
I love the word dirge, it sounds exactly like what it is to me.
Jesus is invited to dine with a Pharisees. As he is reclining at a table a wicked woman comes as weeps and washes his feet. She washed them with oil, tears and her hair....I'm so glad that the washing and cleaning of feet as I sign of adoration has ceased. (For some of us, that is)
The Phar, said that if Jesus was truly a prophet he would know that this lady is a notorious sinner. And in Judaism you would never allow a big, giant sinner to come into your house and wash your feet etc...
Jesus has a story to clear that up. A story about 2 debtors.
Jesus goes on to explain that this sinful woman did more for him than the Pharisee.
"therefore I tell you, her sins, many as they are, are forgiven her- because she has loved much. But he who is forgiven little loves little"

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Many of the things that Jesus says about John begs one to inquire of Catholics how they think "the" church (the Catholic church, and subsequently the Pope) can claim special privilege. For those who don't know, Cath.'s claim the Pope has been handed down the power of Jesus (or very closely to that) thru these thousands of years because Jesus told Peter he was the rock on which the church would be founded. However, I believe we have already seen in the O.T. (and new) all of the things it says about John the Baptist. Anywho...

I think it's interesting that Jesus tells Simon the Phar that the woman's sins are forgiven even before He actually forgives her. Maybe that's much ado about nothing, but it's interesting.

Let's look back and see all what the Scripture says about John (the Baptist). Jesus says John is more than a prophet. That gives him one up on Elijah (although he is compared to him a lot). Jesus says there is no one ever born(naturally conceived) of a woman greater than John (not even Peter). In fact, it even says that John was specifically sent from God. It says that he was THE witness regarding the Light (Jesus). Jesus insisted upon being baptized by him. And the list goes on and on. Jesus granted power to all of his apostles to heal, drive out demons, etc. In some way, the existence of the Catholic church shows how one verse taken out of context and expounded upon (incorrectly in my opinion) can lead to a lot of false teaching(s).

Tomorrow is Matt. 11