Saturday, December 19, 2009

Nehemiah six thru nine

A. LOVE the name Sanballet! Wow thats a great name.
B. I don't really have a B.
Sanballet was not a good guy, he and his pals were trying to sabotage the work that Nehe and co. were doing.
Nehemiah prevailed and the wall and gates were finished. Everyone gathered together and Ezra read from the Book of Moses and people wept. But the Levites said Be still......this is a great day, do not cry.
Love how Be is capitalized.
Then in Chapter 9 we get another review....

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Love the review this time. They acknowledge that it was God that helped them, but they arrogantly began to think it was of themselves and their "allies", etc. At least they finally see that.

Tomorrow is Nehemiah 10-13. We begin the New Testament on Monday!! I know Crystal and probably some others have had a few questions unanswered as I kept saying wait until the N.T. Well, now we'll see how things have come around to where they are now. Although we start Mathew on Mon. we still have Malachi and one verse in Ps. left to read in the O.T. (on Tues. and Wed.), and then the Christmas Story (the reason for the season) on Christmas Eve.