Sunday, December 6, 2009

Daniel 4-6

The kings dream is told, interpreted and he kicks the can. He son takes over and immediately starts to worship some strange gods. Because of this a giant hand comes in and writes on the wall for all to see. Then the color and the drunken hilarious brightness of the kings face was changed, and his thoughts troubled and alarmed him...
Can anyone say "buzz kill".
He called in the usual suspects and asked them to interpret the writing. Butt the couldn't.
But guess who could?
Nope, he's dead.
Daniel does this sorta work too, remember.
Daniel comes in and the kings says " but I have heard of you, that you can make interpretations and solve knotty problems"
Knotty problems?
And if you can solve this here knotty problem, I'll give you a purple dress and some bling. Daniel does his job and is rewarded. The king is slain in the night and on old fella named Darius takes over.
Nd now on to the lions...
The new kind made a degree that basically, for all intents and purposes said that no one may pray for 30 days. And if they do, they shall be cast into a lions den. And of course Daniel did his 3 a day praying.
Into the den he is a tossed. And in the morning, there he was hangin with the lions. The king was amazed and had all of Daniels accusers, their wives and children sent to the den and the lions gobbled them up. I wonder if they tell that part of the story in all the cute childrens books about Daniel and the lions?
The king tells everyone they must tremble in the sight of Daniels God...
We are back on long shall it last this time?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Not long I think, because us humans have a tendency to forget about God when everything is going great.

Tomorrow is Dan.7-9