Thursday, October 22, 2009

Isaiah 64-66

I wrote quite a bit to sum up Isaiah, then I accidentally erased it.
I'm a genius sometimes let me tell you...
I haven't it in me to rehash it all.
God basically says that he's really mad at the idol worshipers (as if we didn't know) They, he says, shall always be hungry and thirsty and sad and in pain.
We get our first amen, I believe. So that's nice.
Also there is some talk of heaven, also nice.
We are Gods ottoman, apparently.
(I'm just hitting the high points here)
And Isaiah ends with a bang that we still feel today.


Jamie said...

I like 64:4 a lot. [God] works and shows Himself active on behalf of hm who [earnestly] waits for Him.

64:8 we are the clay and God is the potter. Notice we are not a pot or vase ( a finished product)...we are a masterpiece IN PROGRESS...this is reaffirmed in the New Testament as well.

65:1 God is ready for all of those who have not seeked Him yet.

65:24 And it shall be that before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear.
God knows what you need before you ask. I personally pray almost exclusively in "thank you's" because I totally believe this verse. I pray and thank God as though He's already given me what I ask and/or need.

66:3 we see the point in fact of what I claimed before about doing things (practicing religion, going through the motions, etc.) with an unsincere heart, and how God feels about that. This verse is great at summing it up.

And in 66:8 (and the notes) we see a stunning fulfillment of prophecy written at least 3,000 years before. And again, not a vague, generalization of a prophecy like Nostradamus, but a specific, exact fulfillment.

Jamie said...

Will Crystal catch it?

Jamie said...

Tomorrow is 2 Kings 20-21