Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Isaiah 28-30

Isaiah is a really really depressing book. Fading flowers, drunk priests, filthy vomit... Isaiah is telling the people that their "do a little good here" and their "say a little prayer there" is not enough. When they reach out to God it will be as if the bed is too small and the covers too narrow to wrap up in.

He goes on to chide the people who think they can hide their wrongdoings from God. LOTS of exclamation points in this book, I feel like Isaiah is a screamer. We get a metaphor of God as a potter forming us, this I like...

And then promise of all the great that will come if they will just get it together. Smash the idols people....7 days of sunlight in ONE day. I'm going right now to smash something to see if we can just get one day of sunlight....just one.


Jamie said...

30:10-15 Like many nowadays, people then didn't want to hear the truth. They wanted the prophets to only say good things (smooth things). They, like now, only wanted to hear what they wanted to hear. They didn't want God's morals held up to them. That was not the measure with which they wanted to be judged. They wanted to be told that everything they were doing was ok....i'm ok, you're ok....moral relativism....if it feels good, it's ok; if it's ok for you, then it's ok for you. Nonsense then, nonsense now. The Israelite stubborness is really symbolic of all mankind.

30:20 The bread of adversity and the water of affliction. Is this another way of saying that we grow in times of trouble? That this is somehow food for our character? It is true that if we never knew sadness, then we'd never know happiness. Most of the world comes in dichotomies....everything is defined by its opposite.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow Isaiah 31-34