Thursday, October 15, 2009

Isa 35-36

So many names. I'm not really sure what's going on in chapter 36. I read through it few times and couldn't really follow it. All I know is people are eating poop and drinking pee. Hezekiah is saying that God will deliver these people? But the king of Assyria is saying that's a bunch of bologna?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

35:6 again we see God's blessings and deliverance compared to water or a flood breaking forth.

36 is just siege talk. The Assyrian commander and some of his cronies are talking loud outside the city walls so that all of the inhabitants can hear. And King Hezekiah's cabinet are speaking with them and asking them to hush so that their citizens won't hear the nasty threats. Anyway the Assyrians are trying to convince them that God won't save them because none of the other countries they've conquered had gods that could save them so....
but of course, those were jsut gods made by man's own hands...silver, gold, wood, etc. Not like the living God of the Israelites so we'll see.