Saturday, October 10, 2009

2 kings 18 1-8 2 Chron 29-31 Ps 48

We read first of a good king, really? Wow he knew there were any. He tore down all the images and broke the high places and even destroyed something Moses has made. I need some clarification on why Moses made a bronze serpent.
The Chron.reading goes more in depth. Its like the good ole days. He brings the Levites in the clean the temple (where have they bean?). Once its cleaned they kill he goats (I've missed the he-goats too) and they splash blood on the alter. Everything is just as it should be. This is good...right? Thinks are looking up.
The problem is there's a shortage of sanctified. The king is throwing an old fashioned Passover party and all the God fearing people are invited.
I'm confused as to chapt 30 vs15. Why were the Levites ashamed?


Jamie said...

I've never figured out the bronze serpent thing. Why did he make it in the first place? Why a serpent? Why are we just now hearing about it? Why bronze and not gold?

And I don't know why they were ashamed. Maybe cause they weren't sanctified or bcuz the feast had bean delayed by a whole month. Not sure.

Whatever the answers are to these many questions...the king was good and obedient to God, and God prospered him.

Whendsome said...

butt I thought you knew everything?