Monday, September 28, 2009

Isaiah 1-4, 2 Kings 15, 2 Chron 26

Isaiah is a prophet with bad news to share. God is fed up with the bad behavior of his people. Not just the idol worship, but all of it. He compares Jerusalem to Sodom. He talks about the false offerings. As Jimmy Buffet says "there's a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning" These peeps seem to be doing what ever they want and then burning rams. God's sick of it. He actually says, its whats in your heart that matters....not the offerings. At this point He seems really frustrated, he seems to be saying "enough is enough, for goodness sake people, just DO GOOD, BE GOOD"

He actually does say "Learn to do right! Seek justice, relieve the oppressed, and correct the oppressor. Defend the fatherless, plead the widow." I really love this because I think it says it all, just do what is right! JUST DO WHAT IS RIGHT! How hard is that? Personal right I feel like is harder...this stuff, the injustice, helping people out who need it....this stuff is easy. Just do it.

The chapters go on to continue to say more of the same. Straighten up, people.

In Kings and Chron. kings are getting killed and replaced left, right, up and down. If I counted correctly in this one chapter there are stories of 10 different kings, all but a couple were murdered and replaced by the murdered. Things are not looking good.....*see Isaiah 1-4


Jamie said...

That's right, God doesn't care about what you give or do, if you do it without sincerity of heart. You can't just go through the motions of practicing religion, you have to live Christ-like. You can do all the Hail Mary's and Our Fathers and communions, etc. but if you don't have a sincere heart, then it's for nothing.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow Is. 5-8 and Amos 1-2