Saturday, September 26, 2009

2 Kings 12-13 2Chron 24

The Lords house is in disrepair. So the king wants to raise some funds in order to fix it. They collect money but the work doesn't get done. So the king takes matters into his own hands. He puts a box with a lid on it, and a hole in the lid in the front of the church. People can put money in and the money goes directly to the repairs. This is going to be such a conversation started next time I find myself in a church. I'm going to stand by the box by the door and find out how many people know who's idea that was.

Remember the 7 yr old kid king, hes a good guy, but his servants kill him.

A couple of more bad kings...and Elisha dies. His death is very hum drum, no flaming chariots. BUT, when another dead guy is put in Elisha grave (?), he awakes from the dead. Soooo that's strange.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I wasn't going to comment on this because it is more of the same, but I feel like God is wanting me to reiterate anyway.

We see more of how although the Israelites aren't always following God with their whole heart, he is still faithful to forgive their sins and shortcomings, and continues to fulfill his part of their covenant without exception. The same applies to believers today. We will never be perfect in the natural world, but we are made perfect through Jesus, and God will forgive us if we come to him with a repentant heart, and he will always fulfill His promises as described in His Word.

Elisha was so holy that even after his death his bones continued to hold power. We can be like this to some extent. When we are obedient to God and elect to do His will, He will bless us and show us His favor. This blessing surrounds us and often can affect those around us just because they are close to us. Likewise, we can sometimes reap the benefits of being close to someone who is being engulfed in God's blessings as well. I have seen this over and over in my own life.

Belgium, be encouraged. God loves you, and is there for you. Look to and lean on Him. He wants to help, all you have to do is ask. He is close enough that all you have to do is talk to Him whenver and wherever you are. I'm on Facebook, if you want to contact me, friend request me.