Saturday, August 15, 2009

Psalm 81, 88, 92-93; 1 Chronicles 7-9

81 was like a cliff notes version of the cliff notes version of what we have read thus far. Apparently its VERY important that no one should forget about the leaving of Egypt, because it is brought up every chance anyone gets.

I kept going back just to make sure 88 wasn't written by Job. I am still not totally convinced that he didn't assume a pen name an scratch this one down.

92-93 are just again nice, positive, uplifting little prayers.

More family lines in Chronicles 7-9. What I did find strange within these chapters, is that just randomly stuck amongst this family tree is an account of the jobs of the Levites? Cleaning utensils, watching the furniture (?), responsible for the "things" baked in pans.


Jamie said...

I know some of the Psalms are "dark". It's important to remember that most, if not all, of the Psalms written by David were done when he was running from Saul. Can you imagine the emotional roller coaster you or I would be on if the Pres. of the U.S. along with the Army, CIA, etc. were hunting you down? If you were keeping a journal I'm sure you'd have a few dark entries, too. Side note: It will be interesting to read Bin Laden's journal, assuming he's keeping one, after he's caught or killed. He's bascially going through the same thing as David, only with out the righteousness, etc., and with him being the nut job instead of Saul.

92 is all about giving the glory to God. Being thankful and grateful. About because God is God, He knows much more, and His thinking is much greater than ours. God has not only done great things for David, but has annointed him (of which, we all have that promise). And in vs. 15 we see that God is faithful to keep His promises.

92:12 is interesting. David is writing this stuff during the midst of being chased by Saul....a time of great distress and trouble. In this verse he mentions a palm tree. Palm tree are found on and near the coasts. Palm trees are specifically designed to withstand high winds, like from hurricanes. In fact, they're made to bend and not break. Scientists have said that palm trees roots actually grow more after a storm....that is, it strengthens itself. Because its roots grow out really wide, it is better able to withstand the high winds. That's a good analogy for what happens to us through trials and troubles....what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. If we rely (and confidently trust) in Him, our roots will grow stronger in Him, and we'll be better able to withstand the next hurricane.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow, Ps.102-104