Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2 Samuel 1-4 Psalm 121, 123-125, 128-130;

These are 4 jammed packed chapters. So much is going on.

David is none to pleased with the guy who brings him Saul crown and tells David that he finished him off after it was apparent he was to die. He was God's anointed one after all, says David. As so he has the guy killed. I like to imagine the look on this guys face, as he obviously thinks hes done a good thing.

NOW we get the crying over Saul and Jonathon. Lots of weeping. Jonathon he says he had love for that even surpasses a woman's love? Which I GUESS could mean like a brother. I feel like if I had a sister, my love for her would be a deeper, different love than the love I have for my husband.

Regardless, the mighty have fallen. (origin of this phrase apparently)

David has a sit down with God who tells him to head on over to Hebron. Here he is anointed king over the house of Judah. But someone else, a son of Saul is made king over the rest of Israel.

I smell trouble brewing.

There is fighting back and forth, David gets his foreskin wife back much to the sadness of her current husband. I would, however, have to say for 100 foreskins he should get to have her. That's one disgusting task.

People are seemingly trying to gain approval in David's eyes by killing his enemies. David is having none of it. Not when it isn't justified. You have to admire that in a leader. It gets confusing here with whos killing who and I need a visual. I can't help wondering if they had names like "George of Smithville" would it be easier to follow?

From what I gather, some of David's men go and kill Sauls son, King of Israel whilst he sleeps in his bed. When they bring his head and tell David the tale of their murder, he is outraged. He had their hands and feet cut off and he buries Ish-bosheth's head. Yum.

The Psalm today were all lovely.


Jamie said...

I think it was like that of a brother (David and Jonathan's love for one another). Remember that one note that was about the love of a mother being greater than that of a wife or something. I think this is the same thing when he says his love for Jonathan (brotherly love) is greater than that of a woman's.

I like that you point out that before David did anything he consulted God to see what he should do.

Doesn't David's anger and comment over Ish-bosheth's murder in his house, in his bed, make you think of the saying, A man is king at home (of his castle). Makes me think that no man should be molested/harmed in his own home. Even if they are to be smote, maybe it should be done at the proper time and place. I'm not saying criminals should be allowed to hide in their homes, but I think you get what I'm saying.

David is all about giving the glory to God as we see, again, in the Psalms verses. Psalms is one of my favorite (maybe the most) books of the Bible. I like the fact in here that it points out that although David will wait patiently for God's deliverance and help, he is waiting expectantly. He doesn't just believe God CAN do something; his faith is much larger than that; he believes God will. Not a matter of if, but a matter of when. And his patience shows that he's willing to let God do it in His own timing. He trusts that it will be right on time.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow, Ps. 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, 21; 1 Chron. 1-2