Monday, August 17, 2009

2 Sam.5:10; 1 Chron. 11-12; Ps. 133, 106-107

We read: David became greater and greater, for the Lord God of hosts was with him.

yep, that's what we read...

1 Chron. 11-12

Everyone finally decides that David is who they need to be King. The people are all like, EVEN when Saul was "King" it was you who really did what needed to be done.

As a teacher I often come across very strange names and we laugh and say "where in the world did they get that?" I am just wondering why none of them have discovered the wealth of totally wacked out names located here in our dear Bible. Case in point.....Eleazar son of Dodo.

So these three mighty men walk into a bar......because their master is thirsty......

David has his 3 mighty men. He longingly says he is parched and would totally LOVE something to drink......but the well is so near the enemies gates........sigh.........

Enter: Mighty Men

mighty men think to themselves: nothing is too dangerous for our King.........if he is thirsty, we will risk our very lives in order that he may drink.........

Mighty Men go and get water and bring it to their King

David: OMG (literally)! I can not drink this water that you risked your life to bring me, your very blood is in this water. I shall give it to God.

David pours the water out (and in effect giving it to the Lord)

Mighty Man 1: Really?

Mighty Man2: Seriously?

Mighty Man 3: Are we on Camera?

Now we get into some slewing. I want to know if there is a difference between a smite and a slew?

Ps. 133
I personally prefer the dew analogy over the oil analogy.


I feel like I've heard this somewhere before?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Ps.106:3 "...who do right and are in right standing with God at all times."
Not just when it's easy or convenient, but at all times. It's not about being perfect in your own actions, but about doing and standing up for what is right at all times. The rest of this really explains about why the Israelites didn't listen...some didn't believe, some forgot, some were just ungrateful and went after their own desires. Why did they do that? I don't know. Why do any of us do that?