Thursday, August 6, 2009

1 Samuel 18-20 Psalm 11, 59

....the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own life.

As a knitter, I must say I LOVE this line. It means so much more than bonded, or tied, or wound together. When you knit two strands together, you can't pull them apart, you cant untie them. They simply become ONE hat, or ONE scarf, or ONE life.

Beautiful, really.

ok so, Johnathan and David are BFF (to say the least) and now David is hangin with Saul in battle. He is out shining him at every turn. It's no big deal until the ladies start to take notice. When they sing and dance about Saul killing 1000 men and David taking out 10,000, its the beginning of the end.

Saul is turning jealous and spiteful and just wants David gone. David meanwhile is doing everything right and is doing it with humility.

Saul offers one daughter to David, but that falls through. So he offers another, the one who truly loves him. Under one condition, he must deliver a hundred Philistine foreskins to Saul.

I almost want to just let this one go. It's almost too easy. I'll just list a few

B. I think my husband should use this one when it comes time for our daughters to date.
C. do you think he made a soup with em?

David delivers, however............. 100 foreskins........... coming up.

Saul just really, really hates David and wants him dead. He tells his son and all servants to kill him. Jonathon betrays his father, which I thought was a commandment, and tells David to hide. Jon then goes and speaks to his dear ole dad and convinces him to allow David to live.

I'm beginning to think that perhaps the "evil spirit" that has taken over Saul goes by the name Sir Paranoid Schizophrenia.

He continues to try and have David killed but is thwarted at ever turn by the people who loves and admire David.

As David is running constantly from Saul the Nutter, he can't help but ask "WHAT have I done?". Now at this point David is so good, he never assumes that Saul is insane, he assumes he must have done something to deserve this. He asks his good pal Jon. Jonathon tells him, "if you had done something really bad, deserving of death, my dad would have told me, but he hasn't. HE'S JUST NUTS, MAN!! Koo Koo for cocoa puffs!"

David's response? "He just knows how much you love me, and therefore doesn't want to tell you for fear of breaking your heart." I want to say, are you serious?! But I am SO like this, it's true. I have such a hard time believing people can be so mean and hateful, for no reason. I just always look REALLY REALLY hard to find the good in people. I simply know it's in there, even when they don't.

So, would you say that David is acting like a victim? Because he is asking, "what did I do wrong?" I don't, because I understand it. I usually assume, at some level, if someone (especially someone I have a loving relationship with, as Saul and David are suppose to have) is being ugly, hateful, rude, that I deserve it. NOT because I feel worthless, or weak, but because WHY else would they do it? Why would someone be hateful, just to be hateful?.....its a very foreign concept to me. Most of the time I chalk it up to a misunderstanding, especially if it is a stranger.

Jon, finally convinces David that Saul is indeed just trying to kill him for his own selfish reasons. They make out, and thats where we end.


Whendsome said...

I forgot something. Davids wife,(saul's daughter) sneaks David out of their house when she hears that her dad is coming to kill him AGAIN. She does this by using the Ferris Buller trick, the fake body in the bed. But she uses a "household good luck idol"!!?? WHAT is up with that? Why does David, Gods handpicked guy live with an idol in his house?

Unknown said...

Haha! Wow, that's amazing Crystal. Nice catch.

Jamie said...

I don't understand why Saul is jealous. I mean, David is the big hero. No one, including Saul, would go out and fight Goliath. David saved Saul, his army, and his kingdom. He should be grateful.

David was asked to bring 100 Philistine foreskins, but he brought 200. Double. Double the pleasure, double the fun. Mmmmm foreskin soup. Is that like whale sperm soup..well, more of a chowder, really.

It's not a commandment to not betray your parents if they are clearly sinning, or attempting to have you sin. It says honor your father and mother. It doesn't say, do whatever they say, even if it goes against the other 9 commandments. Nerd.

David isn't asking Jonathan what he's done wrong because he doesn't know what he's done wrong. It's not really retorical. David is making the point that he hasn't done anything wrong. It's like he's saying, What? What'd I do? I didn't do anything. Name one thing that I've done wrong. No what I mean jelly bean? So David isn't acting like a victim, but if he was, he actually has a right to because he HASNT done anything wrong.

The Psalms were written by David, keep that in mind when reading them. Ps. 59 is good, and what Christians read and think of in troubled times. God being our Refuge and Help and Strength and Defender and Shield. We cry out to Him and expect Him to be all of those things for us just as He was with David.

Saul and his temper...he's a big spear chucker from way back. I think he's bipolar. Maybe everyone who's bipolar has an evil Spirit from the Lord. Ooooo, I know that raised some eyebrows. Kidding. Kidding, ya nuts. See what I mean about Saul not thinking....he's trying to kill David, his bestest soldier and musician. David is a musician, sheepherder, soldier, author, armor bearer, ? of many hats.

People can be mean and hateful for no good reason. Not that there's ever a good reason, really. You chalk it up to misunderstanding because you still want to believe that people are inherently good. But they are not. And you should believe your own lying eyes cause they ain't lying.

Jamie said...

Now I forgot to comment on your second one. That's easy. 18:21 says "Saul thought, I will give her to him that she may be a snare to him.." It was her idol, not David's. Remember how women are always getting us into trouble with their idols and what not? That's the very reason Saul wanted them two to get together. He was hoping she'd cause him to stumble spiritually and God's favor, blessing, and protection would depart from David, then he could be killed [by the Phils]. Booyeow.

Jamie said...

See, some people listen to Jimmy, but they can't hear Jimmy. - White Men Can't Jump reference.

Unknown said...

Heh. I'm listening to Jamie, but Jamie is ignoring me.

...makes me wonder why hasn't Jamie answered my questions from yesterday.

Because he can't!

He's afraid to address these issues because his arguments are built on sand.


test said...

What a retarded book.

Saul killed everyone but Agag (the king) and the best of the animals. But still God was furious with Saul for not killing everything as he had been told to do.

He said, "it repenteth me that I have set Saul up to be king." 15:7-26

Saul is rebuked by Samuel for "doing evil in the sight of the Lord" by failing to kill all of the Amalekites.

Because Saul didn't kill everyone as God commanded, God changes his mind about him being king.

This is so dumb. First off, God expresses regret, fury, and self-admonishment for his decision at choosing Saul, and at Saul's failure to follow directions.

All of those emotions are, clinically, expressed when information is presented that is NEW and UNKNOWN. God is all-knowing, so he could not have been furious, nor made a decision he could regret.

These are human responses and emotions, indicating this was written by Humans who are only capable of writing within the context of their own emotional fabric.

Jamie, you know this to be true, and you're being spiritually and intellectually dishonest, and not pure of heart, be careful, you're going to make-believe Hell if you keep that up.


David kills 200 Philistines and brings their foreskins to Saul to buy his first wife (Saul's daughter Michal). Saul had only asked for 100 foreskins, but David was feeling generous. 18:25-27


David is gross. Your bible is gross.


What on earth is a household idol?

Given God's countless, crystal-clear prohibitions against idols, why does someone as holy as David keep such a wicked totem in his home?) Saul and his guards keep pursuing David, but Samuel protects the young man.

He casts a weird spell over the pursuers, driving them into a religious frenzy—so much so that Saul himself is mistaken for a prophet.

Chapter 20
David and Jonathan get ever more Brokeback. The two are thrown together repeatedly, as Jonathan keeps tipping David off about Saul's plans to kill him. (Saul is enraged that his son has taken David's side and warns him, rightly, that if David lives, Jonathan will never be king.)

Jonathan and David sneak off and swear their love for each other. Later, when David knows he has to flee Saul's court for good, they rendezvous in a farm field, kiss and weep, and bid each other goodbye.

Again I ask: Does this mean what I think it means?

David and Jonathan's love is beautiful and it reinforces that there's always been NATURAL and TRUE HONEST LOVE among same-sex human beings.

Unknown said...

Re: Groman's last post...


Jamie said...

Tomorrow, 1 Sam. 21-24