Monday, July 6, 2009

Numbers 33-36

We are creeping to the end of numbers. I can see Deuteronomy peeking around the corner. I must say that I get a little excited every time we reach the end of a book. I start each new book with the hopes that I will find something life changing, awe inspiring, or at least something that makes me feel happy and joyful.

The first chapter of this reading is just and account of the track the Israelites took. Where they started and where they ended each leg of the journey.

Then we get the boundaries of the properties given to each tribe. Out of everyone's land they were to give some to the Levites.

The Israelites were told to select 6 cities that were to be refuges for anyone who "kills any person unintentionally". This I didn't really understand.

We get a few more rules about killing someone and what constitutes murder and what doesn't. I did find a couple of phrases I liked a great deal, "avenger of blood" I think that would make a fine superhero's name and "manslayer"......LOVE it.

The daughters of Zelophehad, are given his land and told they must marry within the tribe. All of the land owned by each tribe was to stay within the tribe. No transferring land from tribe to tribe.

The end.


Jamie said...

The cities of refuge were for people who committed manslaughter of one form or another to go to until they received a fair trial. And the could only be found guilty on the testimony of more than one witness. The reason for the refuge is because people at this time would avenge a family members killing (avenger of blood). So the person who did the killing (manslayer) was able to go to the city of refuge and get a fair trial. If found guilty of murder he was immediately put to death. If he was found guilty of manslaughter (justified in some way) he had to stay within the city of refuge until the high priest died (because he still shed blood even if it was justified). But if he ventured out of the city of refuge before the high priest died then he was fair game for his victim's family members to get him. Once the high priest died he was allowed to return home without fear of retribution by his victim's family members. I hope that made sense. Anyway, other than that I just wanted to say that the name Hoglah (esp. for a girl) is atrocious. Reminds me of this east German crane operator I used to know, but I digress.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow, Deut 1-4. Crystal, do you know yet whether or not you'll be able to blog for the next few days or?...Maybe we should let everyone know. I can continue to post the readings and we can continue to read, and wait to blog until you have a chance to access the internet.

test said...

Why wouldn't God simply instruct his people to allow for a fair trial?

Dang, God is so confusing. I guess I just need to open my heart up more.

Stephen said...


Groman is being pretty smug in his response, but seriously... can you counter his point?

I know you've read our posts. Do you have any answers other than a trite "God's Plan/God's Way" type of thing?