Friday, July 3, 2009

Numbers 18-22

I know there was quite a bit happening in today's reading with all the traveling through other lands and everything and Battles BC approaching. But man, all I can focus on is the fact that Aaron got axed!

"Aaron?!" you say.

"Aaron!" I say.

I see one of those musical montage's in my head. Moses, Aaron, God as a cloud....running through a field of manna....giggling, the God cloud hiding behind a tree and Moses and Aaron sneaking up on it and then everyone just laughs and laughs...Like the last episode of Seinfeld....."Time of your Life" playing.....

I finally figured out what happened to make God take out Aaron, thanks to Wikipedia. God told Moses and Aaron to SPEAK to the rock and tell it to give water. They instead HIT IT with there staff?! That is just too much, I think.

I feel so bad for poor Moses. That was is brother! I feel like Aaron understood a bit of what Moses was going through. He was surly the only one who DID understand. Now Moses has no one to share his struggle with. Did Moses then worry "what about ME?! what if I accidentally bring a lamb and not a ram, maybe the rhyming words confuse me"

I'm the person you see at a funeral, laughing. I always laugh when I'm really sad, or nervous. I say that because I don't want you to mistake my humor; I'm really bothered by this.

I don't get this one. Aaron tried. Aaron was there with Moses from the beginning. Is EVERYONE so expendable? This is one argument I can't see both sides of.

Like I said, there was some pretty good action in these chapters also. But I couldn't focus, i just kept going back to Aaron...

Oh yeah and there was a talking donkey....that in my mind was "donkey" from Shrek and spoke like Eddie Murphy


Jamie said...

It isn't so clear that God struck Aaron down. If you look at Aaron's life span, it is in keeping with what it should have been. I think God just didn't prolong it, because of his disobedience. So it wasn't a matter of punishment as it was witholding reward.

And as far as his disobedience....again, it's interesting that all they needed to do was "speak". This illustrates again how powerful words can be.

Whendsome said...

His disobedience!? Could it not have been a mistake? If this stuff really happened then somewhere along the way these people had to make mistakes. IF these were just stories I get the idea of digging deeper, reading between the lines, look for hidden meanings within the text. What is the main idea, what is the moral of the story, what are we suppose to learn from this... BUTTT if this is real stuff that happened, can EVERYTHING mean something?? If we were to read a diary kept by George Washington during the American Revlolution, when reading "Then I went for a cup of tea" would we read between the lines, would we look for hidden meaning in that sentence?

Jamie said...

I don't know if you can read between the lines about everything or not. That's a part of studying the Bible. If you can read between the lines and find a meaning it is probably repeated when reading between the lines in another story.

If you read the notes at the bottom of the pages it helps out tremendously sometimes (me too) to understand why or how this relates to Jesus coming (the first time) and His message.

But again, you're caught up in thinking Aaron was struck dead, and he wasn't. He lived as long or longer than most people of his time. What? Your mad or frustrated or sad because you think (in your divine wisdom) that God had an obligation to let Aaron live to be 500 years old or to not die like Elijah and just be "taken to Heaven"? I don't understand your hang up on Aaron dying in a normal manner and time. To whom much is given, much is expected....Aaron was given leadership over the entire Priesthood.

Jamie said...

What's that Sean Connery's character says in the movie The Rock?..Losers always whine about doing their best, winner go home and have sex with the prom queen. I'm not advocating fornication, but the quote makes it's point. Sometimes your best isn't good enough, even if the "I'm ok, your ok" types think it is.

Stephen said...

If God created us with limitations how can our best not be good enough for him?

He CREATED us with limitations in the first place.

Again, isn't this is something a loving, all-powerful God would have known before he created anything at all?