Friday, July 31, 2009

Judges 17-21

Numero uno- LOVE the name Micha

Numero dos- does anyone else feel like we were sorta dropped into the middle of a story?

17:6- we all know what that means. And we all know no good is coming from it.

First we get the story of the Danites (that one cracks me up). A Levite is living with Micah as his priest. Then the Danites come along and find him and take him to be their priest. But the bring with them the graven image that Micah had made? That doesn't seem right?

I'm not sure if we shall return to this story or what? Not much of an ending, not much of a beginning either actually.

This story was weird.

Back a gain to a "certain" Levite who is living with his concubine. Same guy?

By and by he goes to visit his womans dad and yadda yadda yadda...we get to 19:22.

I wish once again that I had a film of my face as I read this little tale of woe. At one point my vision got all blurry and I realized it was because my eyes were open so wide.

So here goes the tale. The Levite and his gal get offered a place to stay by one guy in the town, when no one else would offer.

He was a nice guy.

Some not so nice guys come a knocking on the door and tell the nice guy to send out the stranger so that they may have a little intercourse with him?! RANDOM weirdness. Is this common? Do gangs of homosexuals roam the country-side looking for strangers? Or do men, after they've had some string drank wanna screw other men?

So the nice guy begs that the man instead take his virgin daughters? So much for nice guy. Why is the strangers soul more importand than his daughters?

In the end they send out the concubine. Her soul is gone anyway as she isn't married. I say good choice.

They have their way with her all night and throw her dead body on the doorstep when they are done.

Crazy story, right.

But wait there more..

When the Levite finds that she is dead, he CARVES HER BODY INTO 12 PIECES and mails it out to all the land.

Now THAT my friends is a story, with an ending worth talking about.

So now there must be a battle, a battle within the Israelites. They must do battle with the Benjamites. The Lord is on their side however, as the Israelites do feel that this somehow isn't right. The Benjamites are also Gods chosen people. So they continue to ask, should we? They should, cause they are FREAKS.

The battle ended and the Israelites decided they will give none of their daughters to the remaining Bens. But they did not want a tribe to fall out of existence so they needed women. They killed a whole city of people except the virgins and gave them to the Bens.

Alas, there wasn't enough.

So they tell the Bens to watch this "festival" in hiding and when the virgins come out to dance, take as many as you need.

They do.

All is well.

For a book that was so full of brave, strong women it makes sure it ends with women in their proper

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I was thinking that too...about being dropped in the middle. I even looked at the chapter before, because I was thinking I was missing something.

I find it strange that all of these people back then offered to let strangers stay in their house, let them drink their beer, and give them gas money. Does anyone do that now?

And the o man. Here's these people living peacefully, and securely....i pictured this serene village at the foothills of these beautiful mountains. Then all of a sudden, the Danites come in and smite them all. What? I don't know, again, I feel like we picked up in the middle of a story. Maybe there'll be a prequel later, like Star Wars.

I don't understand why the guy was willing to give up his daughters either. Being a father of three daughters, I'd let them do me before my daughters. The concubine was married, he just treated her like less than a wife...that's not nice.

Lots and lots of drama. That story always makes me wide-eyed too. I feel so bad for that woman, being used and abused to death. I did think her husband's reaction was a little odd, 'Get up! Let's get going.' He seemed a little too calm. I think he sort of flipped. Then, confirmation of that comes when he hacks her up and UPS's her thru out the country. BATTLE!

And of course the Bens have no problem kidnapping chicks because they'd rape a strange man in a heart beat. I think what sums up best what went on during this time period was the notes at the end of the book. There's no way I could say it better. Not to compare Catholicism or similar religions to these nuts, but like it says in the notes, there can become inherent dangers in going through the motions of religion in lieu of a real, renewed passion for living Christian lives. I think something like 85% of people in this country claim to be Christian, but how many of them live according to His Word? Few I think.