Sunday, July 12, 2009

deuteronomy 8-10

This is going to short and sweet due to the fact that I am blogging from my blackberry. I join you tonight from Curry Hammock State Park on Little Crawl Key, Florida.
Chapter 8 was all about remembering what God did for the peeps lo those fourty yrs of roaming. Most notable for me was when he pointed out that they clothes never got old. How's about that for cool!
Its kinda more of the same, remember this, remember that. Thank me when you're full...
Chapter 9, explains to them why they are not to be afraid of the giants. He also says that it isn't because they are so great that they get all of this. As a matter of fact they aren't even all that lovable, but there fathers were.
Moses has his turn for remember this remember that. The tablets, the molten calf (do you think they're thinking "why you gotta bring up old stuff")the time God was so done with them, he was ready to smite the lot of them.
Then in chapter 10 we get more review and then Moses tells them why they should love the Lord.


Jamie said...

I'll start with something simple...I wonder myself whether or not their clothes actually didn't wear out, or whether that is just a euphamism for always providing good, adequate clothing for them. Not that really matters. I think the point is that God provided for them in everyway, and will likewise to the same for believers nowadays.

This is largely review. It's about rewards and consequences. It's about reminding them of what God has done for and to them on both accounts.

God not only wants us to believe in Him, but to trust and rely on him.

test said...

I like how you have to really stretch the boundries of literal acceptance of the Bible in order to let your mind make sense of the ridiculous claim that their clothes never wore out.

Stephen said...

Yeah, you're really picking and choosing there Jamie.

This is a clear example of what this whole exercise amounts to: YOUR own PERSONAL interpretation of the bible.

It's arbitrary, dude.