Wednesday, July 15, 2009

deuteronomy 21-23

Man o man o man, I CANNOT wait till Jesus shows up. I am trying with all my vacationing might, to stay positive. If I can't read this with a brilliantly positive mind whilst sitting on a secluded beach early in the morning (my fav time of day) then I can't do it anywhere.
Good news first (I always take the good news first, when asked "there's good news and bad news, which do you want first?"
What I found in todays reading that seemed like it made sense to me was, bury your poop. That rule was great. I can dig that one. (Pun, I PROMISE, not intended....he does work mysteriously!) Don't charge your people interest, that ones fine.
I guess I just have so many problems with all the rules regarding woman and sex, and there are many. If I dig down really really deep I can see a slight glimmer of what might be considered understanding. I get the virgin thing, its a BIG deal!!! (I've erased about 5 different times, because I'm trying to say this a delicatly as possible and there really isn't a delicate way). Some people hurt themselves accidently and when they have sex for the first time they may not bleed. So when the parents bring the sheet out and it hasn't any blood, then their daughter must be stoned to death. All because of an unfortunate riding accident. But more importantly, wouldn't God know this?
Then there is the poor gal who gets raped in town. She has to be killed because she either didn't cry out or she did but unfortunatly everone was busy?!
A soldier finds a women he likes in enemy territory, he may have sex with her, if its good he can keep her, if not he may let her go. Did I mention he shaved her head first? How good could it be with a bald lady anyway? Let's ask George.
There are probably more, but the sun is a risin and I need to enjoy my last morning at Curry Hammock.
Like I said at the beginning if concrete blocks were tied to my feet therefore I was forced to stay down below the surface I might could make heads or tails outta these sex laws. But then that wouldn't be free will would it?


Jamie said...

It must be early indeed. I haven't read the reading yet, but I bet this is gonna be one of those where if I don't know the mind of God, I'll be ridiculed, and everyone will be ready to throw Christianity out of the window, despite them knowing even less, and having a belief system based on nothing other than whims and hope (the kind that ignores the facts and history - fantasy). Anyway, I'll read and comment in a bit.

test said...

Haha you're a gem Jamie, facts and history indeed. Why stop pretending to know the mind of God now, when you're on such a roll?

Jamie said...

Ok, after reading ch 21. I took it as the woman taken prisoner can be taken as a warrior's wife. Which is a smidge different than rape. Now, before you say, what if she didn't want to be his wife? I say, I don't know, cause it doesn't address that; but I will say that being alone (without someone to take care of you, as a single woman whose parents/guardians were killed in the battle) was not a good were likely to starve to death or otherwise be really abused. So I would think that being taken as someone's wife would be the best option. Secondly, it doesn't say if he isn't satisfied with her sexually, it just says satisfied...maybe he doesn't like the way she cooks or she complains too much (me thinks thou doest protest too much). I don't know, and neither does anyone now. Either way, this was 3,600 years ago, so I'm not that worried about it, and I'm willing to give God the benefit of the doubt.

Do not be a glutton or drunkard. So for you religious right out's equally sinful to be fat (without an actual medical condition, i.e. thyroid probs.) as it is to be a drunk. Anything in excess is wrong....too much: video games, texting, blogging (computer in general), eating, smoking, drinking, working out....moderation....these things shouldn't otherwise take over your life and more importantly your [life] focus. tbc

Jamie said...

Ch 22....Do your duty to return something to your neighbor when you know that he's lost it, instead of trying to keep it for yourself, etc.

and vs. 5..transvestites...yes, that's right people. Women don't wear men's clothes and men don't wear women's clothes. Although, I think it's probably more than clothe wearing. My oldest daughter is a tomboy and I have to constantly remind her not to wear clothes that make her look like a boy. That if God had wanted her to be a boy, He'd have made her one. I go on to tell her that it's not so much the actual clothes as it is that no matter what she's wearing, people should be able to tell that she's a girl and not have to guess.

More conservationism. Don't kill or harvest or plant to the "gills".

vs. 10 might be the vs. that in other versions of the Bible it says, 'do not be unequally yoked'. That means a Christian and a non-Christian should not marry. Some more racist people have tried to use that to mean that people of different races should not marry, but I don't think that's what it means.

And as far as the virginity thing goes, I dont see any big problem with that. If her husband accuses her falsley (slanders her and her parents) he is fined and punished. If it's true, she's broken the law (spiritual and legal, which for the Israelites are pretty much one and the same....remember, the covenant they agreed to?)and is executed.

And you were saying something before about adultery vs. homosexuality. Here it calls for the adulterers to be killed, too. Israel because of their covenant which they freely entered into with God, must separate the righteous from the unrighteous by purging evil from among their midst. Here's a question, if someone wants to do these type of things or gets "caught", why don't they just take off and move/live somewhere else?

And where does it say the engaged woman "raped" by another man didn't cry out enough. It's saying if she didn't use the opportunity of crying out for available help (hence the 'in the city' part) that, by default, indicates it was ok with her. If it happens outside where she help was not available to her, then since the opportunity to get help wasn't there, there is no way to determine her desires (or lack thereof) and they give her the benefit of the doubt. I think you're being a little cynical. Which we all know is skeptic's ugly cousin. tbc..

Jamie said...

ch. 23 Lots of do's and don't's, most of which are fairly self-explanatory.

God doesn't want ill-gained money.

Charging interest is ok, but remember the rest of what we've read, about dealing fairly, honestly, and not slyly. So outrageous interest, etc. is not ok.

vs. 21 is key, vows to the Lord must be kept. Kind of like the one the Israelites as a people made freely to God. It even says if they had not vowed, then it would not be counted against them. That's why all of this stuff you think is harsh, is a larger part of an agreement to be set aside, as a people, holy unto the Lord. It may seem harsh, but for them, at this time, it is necessary.

It's not stealing to satisfy your immediate hunger, without permission, while walking thru your neighbor's field; just don't attempt to take any to profit.

Jamie said...

tomorrow: Deut. 24-27