Tuesday, July 14, 2009

deuteronomy 11-13

I wish I could figure out how to upload a picture of where I am blogging from. Its really quite insanely beautiful.
We are still reading Moses give the pep talk of all eternity. Lots more "remember don't eat the blood, you are the chosen people, God will do all sorts of smitting of enemies..." We are also reminded that if we should meet someone be them friend or foe that worships another god, we should stone them to death. Imagine if everyone (skinheads, muslims, radiacl christians...) would have just stuck with that. That would be pretty insane, right? Everyone stockpiling stones...


test said...

Ahh the most tolerant and loving religion where you worship the most loving and amazing God!

How does this mandate from God match up with the cries of christian and jewish persecution?

Makes you really question whether you should be sympathetic towards religious hate crimes.

Jamie said...

We keep seeing the word diligently. 'To diligently keep My commandments...'. Definition of diligently: Constant in EFFORT to accomplish something. See the keyword. It is NOT about achieving perfection in actual deed.

God promises to fight our battles for us. He reminds the Israelites, again, of the two side to their covenant. Rewards and consequences. And yes, I know, that today people only want rewards and think excuses should void all consequences.

God tells the Israelites not to let people talk them into worshipping (or otherwise clinging to or attempting to rely on) other gods. And to stone anyone who does. The Israelites thru their covenant have chosen to be set apart for God....to not let the righteous and the unrighteous intermingle in God's Presence. If the Israelites allow these people to live in and amongst them then God knows they are doomed to failure. Those people could leave whenever they wanted instead of attempting to serve other gods in God's Presence and being killed for it. Life's all about choices.