Monday, June 29, 2009

Numbers 1-4

We begin a new book today, Numbers.

As a math teacher I say "Yay, numbers" but as a reader, I say "Boo, numbers".

Just not much here to blog about. Just counting people and assigning jobs.

I did find this chart and found some interesting stuff in it. I particularly love "en route to nowhere"

I also think that "walking, wondering, waiting" is a great name for a song. As is "moving out, moving on, moving in"

I'm sorry but its all I have............


Jamie said...

I wonder what God's purpose for the census was. Is this why our founding fathers had this as part of the constitution? But you'll notice it's a fair and ACCURATE census, NOT an estimate. Relevant in today's discussions. I mean what's wrong with trying to accurately count the people? Critics say that counting the people can be inaccurate. If that's true that it CAN BE inaccurate isn't an estimation inaccurate by its very definition? Of course it is that's why it's a dishonest notion that estimation is better or more accurate than an actual count.

I found it interesting in the notes that the disciples or even Jesus didn't go into the most holy of Holies. Didn't you? I would have thought that if anyone could, Jesus could.

test said...

There are a total of 603,550 Israelite men, not counting the Levites.

Curiously, this is exactly the same number of men counted in the first census, taken a year earlier and mentioned in Exodus.

And by "curiously" I mean laughably.

The census continues the venerable biblical tradition of ignoring women.

test said...

Also, while you're reading Numbers, please write down the names of the 12 tribes of Israel.

A fun game to play while reading the Old Testament is to find the books that reference inconsistencies in the names of the 12 Tribes.

It's just one of many fun games you can play!

Jamie said...

Tomorrow is Num 5-8