Sunday, June 28, 2009

Leviticus 19-24

This post is coming a little late and for that I apologize, I have NOT however been playin the harlot. I have been picking up my dear sweet teenage daughter from camp. It was a great 10 minutes before we started yelling at each other....but I digress

My reading yesterday was done on the second story porch of my new favorite place in the world, The Star of Texas in Austin. While sitting on the porch under the ceiling fans watching the people pass by, it all made a bit more since.

"Yes", I thought "let's stone and burn the daughter of the priest who plays the harlot". "Why WOULDN'T we?"

I was sorry to see that maybe leftovers shouldn't be eater after the third day, however.

But that was a brief feeling, after I sipped my coffee for a while and listened to clock tower chime the next hot lazy hour I thought even more about these people.

Who are the one's with the mangled testicles? Obviously if we answer that question, we need not ask.....Who are the ones getting it on with animals.

I wondered about killing all the adulterers, harlots, the Mexican donkey show gals, and the gay folk. Should we do that now? Who would be left?

But the the man who uncovers his wife's fountain of blood.....I totally agree we should probably shun those peeps, they're freaks.

I suppose this is an effort to keep only the pure around. The all seems possible here at the Star of Texas.

After I drive away, how long will the optimism of this place stay with me?

Is my positivity wrapped around the people of Austin, where everyone is accepted?

....the people with rounded hair, mos def the people with tattoos, and trimmed cornered beards, here in Austin odd in normal and normal is odd.....where would these people be if we were to banish the Earth of the impure?

............but the ass who puts the block in front of the blind that's messed up.


Jamie said...

I've heard of slight of hand, but not slight of mind.

I think I'll answer your "question"/concerns first...It doesn't say kill everyone who isn't perfect, or kill homos (btw, that's short for homosexuals, nothing more). It just says that the ones with defects can't be priests....BACK THEN, NOT NOW. It says homo is wrong, abominable (like the snowman?), etc. Now that that's straight. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if you became a'd be "shia" Christian, always taking things to the extreme.

So, God, sort of reiterates some of the commandments...honor mother and father, remembering the Sabbath, etc. He also reminds the Israelites who've agreed to be His chosen people (didn't have to be) that they (esp. the priests) need to be set apart...that is, holy, at all times (as best they can and atone when they mess up), but esp. before they come before His presence. ch. 20:25-26

Don't be imparital in judging...someone's socio-economic status should have no bearing on the merit of their case.

Don't be a gossip. Love your neighbor, BUT let him know if he's messing up....again, not judging. Don't commit adultery. No beastiality. No homo. etc. etc. I think that is all fairly self-explanatory. Keep your integrity...don't deal unfairly.

I thought it was interesting what was said about the fruit trees. Fruit trees typically don't bear fruit, of any consequence, until their fourth or fifth year anyway..interesting.

And lest it be misinterpreted/taken out of context...treat strangers dwelling TEMPORARILY in your land well....notice they still have to follow the law and they are TEMPORARY. This cannot be applied to ILLEGAL immigrants; keyword, ILLEGAL. However, illegal or not, you should not mistreat/abuse them like many employers do. tbc..

Jamie said...

Ok, the standards for priests are even higher than for the rest of the Israelites.

You can see in a couple of verses here that, although, God has asked Israel to be His chosen people He has not excluded the rest of the world from worshipping Him or coming to Him. He speaks of foreigners presenting sacrifices and partaking in the feasts, etc.

I like 22:31 because it sort of says what I was saying in one of the earlier posts...."...conform your life and conduct.." to His commandments. That's what I was saying about once your re-train yourself to obey God's commandments, it's really not that difficult.

And in 22:32 we see here again what I was saying about Catholics making statues, etc..."Neither shall you profane My holy name [applying it to an idol,..."

Conservationism...not plowing or planting to the very corners of your fields, etc. See, God's an environmentalist. Why shouldn't He be? He created it. As well as to the poor. But you'll notice that they still have to glean it and harvest it for's not handed to them on a silver platter. This isn't welfare for lazy people, it's a helping hand for those who are willing to work. Later, you'll see Paul write, If they don't work, they don't eat.

And in 24:15-16 the seriousness of blasphemy...which will be shown to be even more serious when we get into the New Testament.

The next few verses following that...17-22..are laws applied by society, not individuals..that's why there is no contradiction between eye for an eye, and turn the other cheek. Capital punishment yes. Punishments that fit the crime, yes. Complete restitution (civil law), yes. And in vs 21 making the difference between animals and men. Many think animals, man, and even humans have the same value...not according to the Word. And finally equal protection under the law. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Don't forget what John Adams said.

Jamie said...

Lev. 25-end

Jamie said...

At the end of the second comment I mean some people think that animals, men, and PLANTS are the PETA fruitcakes. And I know Crystal already agrees with that (abt. Peta)

Jamie said...

Finishing Lev. is today's (Sun.). Tomorrow's is Numbers 1-4

Whendsome said...

The point I'm trying to make in pointing out that it says "they shall surely be put to death", when talking about adulterers, gays etc...Is again why is it the gays get so much of the hate. I just don't know that I've ever seen a sign that says "GOD HATES ADULTERERS"
What about all the other crazy do's and dont's
I know you think I'm taking it too literally perhaps, but again trying to make my point. The other stuff seems silly when read literally, so why do people harp so much on the man lying with another man.

Why not throw our attention to all the preacher's daughters out there who play the harlot on a regular basis, why not a rally against them?


Is it that the others don't threaten anybody's idea of what they find comfortable. Seeing someone wearing a linen, wool blend doesn't make you feel a little funny down there, so no biggie huh?


I don't want to start a big argument here but in regards to God being an environmentalist, I always wondered why Christians weren't at the forefront of the environmental movement. I always thought that odd. Seems to me you would want to take precious care of the world God has created for you.


Jamie said...

Let's do the environment first. Just because Christians don't jump on the band wagon of false rhetoric of global warming and the like which has all but been completely discredited by any reputable scientist without an agenda, doesn't mean they're not environmentalists. The very reason Al Gore should give his award back. I don't know a single Christian who thinks polluting or wasting resources is a good idea. But, as you know, the fear-mongering on the far left over climate change and global warming is using half truths, unproven theories, and distorted data. But we're getting off subject. Besides, I said God is an environmentalist, not every Christian. I'm sure not all Christians are conservationists or environmentalists, neither are all those who take a crazy number of road trips.

Now to the gays.....
You see in 20:13 this offense is expounded upon as something perverse, unnatural, abhorrent, and destestable. In 18:22 it's called an abomination. Maybe that's why it's a bigger issue among Christians...because God says it's such a big issue. Probably the unnatural part. I couldn't tell you why it's such a "big deal" to God, but it clearly is. It's also seems a bigger deal because even most non-Christians are against it as far as gay marriage. Adultery isn't a political issue like homo is.

Again, I don't know why you keep lumping all of the rules and traditions, etc. in together. But they're not one in the same, and even if they were, we just started reading. You're questioning the end of the Book even though we've just begun reading it. And you're judging things now only by what you've read so far. If I asked you your opinion of Mr. Wickham after the first two paragraphs of his intro. what would you have said compared to at the end of the book?

Politics makes it seem bigger, gays wanting to steal a label despite being given the same rights, the disbandment of tradition for no reason other than to do it, and God saying it's so bad, all make this such a big issue for Christians (and many others). You may not like it, but I hope it clears that up. I've got a question for you...Why is it that gays protest against Christians cause they're anti-gay politically, but gays say nothing about Muslims who strictly preach that gays should be killed? Wait, nevermind, I forgot, Muslims, like blacks, get a free pass when it comes to bigotry. Or maybe it's cause Christians are way more tolerant than your friends say they are so gays aren't afraid the Christians are gonna bomb em.

Whendsome said...

I was not trying to start and argument or make any big giant point about the environmentaist thing. I just said I always thought that people who think so highly of a God who created a world for them to live in, would want to take really super good care of it. THATS ALL! Not saying I do that great of a job, not saying you don't do that great of a job.
What else though is an abomination? Eating shellfish, it is to us.
I'm not trying to judge, or lump, or whatever. These are the verses people quote when they yell and scream and march and protest against people who simply love each other. You know this is THE big problem for me and I'm trying to figure out why its so different from all of the other silly rules listed in this book.
Thats all.

Whendsome said...

Christians tolerant? Really? I can't wait to see it, it's absolutly why I'm here.
I don't know why they say nothing about the Muslims, but maybe its because their families and employers and most of the society that they live amongst, claim to be Christian and not Muslim. Not being a homosexual myself, I guess I couldn't answer that question with complete confidence however.

Stephen said...

If one sin is enough for a person to "fall short" of the glory of God, how can you say one sin is worse than another?

Logically, aren't all sins equal?

test said...

There is so much to point out as ridiculous on this comments page that I'm physically dizzy.

First off, say gay, you know the homo is a slur, and you continue to use it, in a hateful manner. Gay has less letters, even.

With regards to priesthood and defects, we've already established that Jesus said he'd no wishes or claims to supersede the laws of priests in the old testament. That means we should still see no crippled/flawed priests, yet we do. Why?

Because it's gross and absurd to restrict someone because of a physical defect in serving god.

God as a conservationist, is laughable as well. Under the pretense of assuming that god exists....let's play along:

He's created everything destructive as well as all that's worthy of protection.

He's created a sun that will extinguish as a matter of natural course in just a few billion years.

He's created every locust, every ocean bloom, every non-renewable energy source, and every chemical combination that creates pollutants and destruction.

He's created all these things and is accountable for them, under your definition of creation/creator.

The reason the tribes were instructed by priests/scripture to till the land properly is it was (AGAIN) in the best interest of the tribe so they hand it down from god for effect.

I'd also go as far as to argue the "good" in farming, when hunter/gatherers lived for potentially millions, but absolutely hundreds of thousands of years in harmony with their world.

With regards to John Adams, ---YES---lets not forget what he's said.

"As the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen [Muslims] ... it is declared ... that no pretext arising from religious opinion shall ever product an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries....
"The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or a Mohammedan nation."

oh and my personal favorite:
Thirteen governments [of the original states] thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without a pretence of miracle or mystery, and which are destined to spread over the northern part of that whole quarter of the globe, are a great point gained in favor of the rights of mankind."

Jamie said...

Again, I can't speak for everyone else, including all Christians, but I think the major problem with homo is the political issue and the fact that it's unnatural. I mean morally adultery is just as wrong, but it's not an unnatural act. That's all I can tell you.

It just seems silly to protest against churches because they don't support a gay's right to steal what they call their union from what has in all of history been a tradition (between a man and a woman). If they have the same rights why do they need to change the tradition. You'd think being such a minority (and majority rules) they'd be completely content and happy that they're allowed to have civil unions, but they're not satisfied. They have NO constiutional right to have their union LABELED marriage. They can call it whatever they want, but why can't they leave traditionalists alone. Getting off track again. What I was saying is it's silly to me to protest the Christians/traditionalists over a label, but not mosques where their outright death is preached. That is void of reason. If someone said I couldn't do something I wanted I might get mad, but telling me that you want to kill me for something that I (they) believe I have no choice, that's something to protest.

And I know this is your hot button issue. Although I'm not sure why. You're not gay, and I'm not sure how God would view you "supporting" a gay person and to what extent. Jesus does say hate the sin and not the sinner; and that He fellowshipped with non-believers cause it's the sick who need a doctor not the healthy. So I doubt you'd have to break all ties with someone if they were gay.

test said...

and with Global Warming/Climate Change....seriously, Crystal do five seconds of research and you can absolutely see that your friend Jamie is delusional.


National and international science academies and professional societies have assessed the current scientific opinion, in particular recent global warming. These assessments have largely followed or endorsed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) position of January 2001 that
An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system... There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.

Since 2007 no scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion. A few organisations hold non-committal positions.

Stephen said...

Again, a quick google search completely contradicts Jamie's assertion that homosexuality is unnatural:

Like most animal species, penguins tend to pair with the opposite sex, for the obvious reason. But researchers are finding that same-sex couplings are surprisingly widespread in the animal kingdom. Roy and Silo belong to one of as many as 1,500 species of wild and captive animals that have been observed engaging in homosexual activity. Researchers have seen such same-sex goings-on in both male and female, old and young, and social and solitary creatures and on branches of the evolutionary tree ranging from insects to mammals.

Jamie, just b/c you say something doesn't make it true... when a cursory google search will call your assertions into question, you really need to work on your arguments.

Can you please use citations for all of your claims?

Jamie said...

I forgot about the proration in here. You know, if you redeem your property before the year of Jubilee you have to recompense the buyer the extra he paid that he's not getting by your early redemption. Proration is a very fair policy. And it's found in almost every aspect of modern society.