Thursday, June 11, 2009

Job 31-42

I am combining two days readings into one post.

We are drawing toward the end of Job and his problems. His friends continue to argue that Job has done something.

They go on to tell us the reader as well as Job that God only does bad things to the wicked, and to the righteous he only does good things. Which is the basic principle of Karma.

The Buddhist believe that for every good action that you perform, you receive good and vice-versa. In the case of Job the argument would be made from a Karma standpoint that the wicked that he did was perhaps in another life.

God finally speaks up and sorta lets em have. He rains down questions, asking the men, can YOU do this? Can YOU do that? In an attempt to show them that no matter how long they discuss the problem they will never understand His reasons and actions. For, He is God the all-powerful, creator of the heavens and the Earth.

Job apologizes for boasting and trying to understand. God forgives Job but isn't so easy on the three know it all friends. Job was honest about his actions and these guys would not listen, acting and speaking as it they KNEW how this whole thing was playing out.

God leaves it up to Job to pray for them. Job does and God shows his forgiveness.

God doubles Jobs fortunes, allowing him to have more beautiful children and live a long happy life.

The End.

The sayings that came to mind when I read this story are as follows:
A. God never gives us anything we cant handle
B. This too shall pass.
C. What does not kill us, makes us stronger.

with C being my favorite, I am a strong believer in C....

About the pictures on this post:

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Good and bad things happen to good and bad people. If God tried or had to explain everything to us, we might not be able to understand it anyway. It suffices (for me the believer) to say that God's way and thought are higher than my own, He has a purpopse to all things, He will never let us go through anything we can't handle, He'll always deliver us one way or the other, and if we stay faithful He will even repay us double for our trouble. It's ok if we try and understand His why's and His creation, just so long as we don't start to act arrogantly and thinking that we will ever be on the same level, in any way, as Him. Afterall, could you ever pretend to know more about what an artist was thinking when she did a painting, than the artist herself? Sometimes it's just not worth explaining to someone who wouldn't or couldn't understand anyway.

I think it's important to note some of the notes in our reading. Job references the earth and heavenly bodies being basically suspended. How could someone in Job's time know that planets are held in place by gravitational fields and orbits. The wording is very careful and very accurate. Also, his reference to light being ever moving,not stationary, just as light waves really are. Careful and precise wording...very interesting. Again, not something Job could have known. Divine inspiration, that's how they Bible is written. Some will, of course, try to write those things off as coincidence or luck that he chose the right words, but as we read through Bible there will be times like this over and over again...way to many to be coincidental or lucky...statistically impossible, in fact.

Some say that all the references to the crocidile in the last couple of chapters refers to a dragon; hence, all of the fire breathing insinuations.