Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Job 18-30

Today was more of the same with Job and his friends. Back and forth they discussed why God was forsaking poor Job.

He friends continue to say that it is because he is wicked that he is receiving this punishment, and Job continues to plead his innocents.

Job tells his friends that even if he has done evil its his own business. He is sure however that there is someone in heaven who will be a witness to his innocence.

After a while Job beings to get a little ticked off, and it really starts to show. There beings to be a lot of: me, me, me...

So I guess the big questions is why would you do this to someone you loved? If God loves all of his followers, why torture and bring such suffering just to prove a point? I'm willing to bet that the answer to this lies somewhere in the realm of "we cannot possibly understand all of Gods actions..."

1 comment:

Jamie said...

God knows that Job can take it...as bad as it is. He never lets us go through anything we can't handle. As I said before, it's for a larger purpose - to show us that even the most Godly, upright people can and may go through trials and difficulties. And those trials aren't an indication that we've done something wrong; no more than good things happening to bad people are an indication they're doing anything right.

Job is definitely getting more centered on himself and professing his righteousness, than looking to what might glorify God in this situation. Honestly, I don't blame him. I'm human, too, and I don't know if I could do half as well as Job. He's one tough mighty man of God. Rest assured, our troubles have come to pass, not stay. God will alwlays be faithful to deliver us, one way or the other (foreshadowing). He will always turn every negative situation around for (our) good.