Saturday, June 6, 2009

Genesis 31-35

We open today with more deceit, more misunderstanding.

Here's where I take a bit of comfort. I find it reassuring that even then, even with these devout people, there can be this much drama, and "well, why didn't you just SAY so" kind of stuff.

The Lord tells Jacob to go back to his fathers land and so Jacob sneaks away, and Rachel steals the idols from the house. (the Bible I'm reading explains that if you are the possessor of these family idols that you have claim to the families estate).

Again with the deceit.

"Jacob said that God said that if Laban said, all the speckled flock shall be yours. The flock only bore speckled. If Laban said, all the streaked flock shall be yours. The flock only bore streaked."


I sorta keep forgetting that Issac gave Jacob this blessing. I keep wondering why Jacob is so blessed by the Lord, when he deceived his father and brother. I guess Issac gave a pretty powerful blessing.

Jacob, his ladies, and their brood of kids leave.

When Laban finds out, he sets out after them.

When he gets there he's like "hey! what up?! why you didn't let me tell everybody goodbye? I didn't get to tell my girls bye, kiss my grand kids goodbye......"

He is however a bit angry about his idols. Rachel has them hidden in her saddle. Nobody, not even Jacob knows shes got em.

Then when her dad want to search her saddle she gives the excuse we ladies love to use to get out of ANYTHING, she's says "dad, I'm on my period don't make me get up...."

and just like all men, he leaves it alone.

I am in constant amazement at the things we have gotten from the Bible, including apparently the ultimate excuse for women.

The two men talk it out, make a covenant, set up a monument, eat a know, they worked through their differences just like any men would.

All kidding aside (just for a minute though) I think this demonstrates what I was mentioned earlier.


If you have a problem with someone, you have to discuss it. Don't assume you know whats going on in their heads. Don't listen to what other people say is going on. First you have to listen to yourself and understand what part you have taken in the disagreement. Which some may argue, is God talking to you. Then you have to go straight to the source of the problem, the other person.

None of this "he said, she said" stuff, that drives me nutso.

They patch things up brilliantly, and the fam is on their way.

...on the way Gods Angles meet Jacob and basically tell him that his bro is waiting for him with a small army and hes going to take him out. Jacob send the Angels to tell his brother that hes sorry and sends him some she-goats and stuff....

I'm just thinking that if Angels were passing notes for me or if I was receiving messages from Angels I'd listen.

The strangest of all happens next and I wish there was some way I could show somebody the scene that's was playing in my head when I read this...

"Then He said, Let Me go, for day is breaking. But Jacob said, I will not let You go unless You declare a blessing upon me"

That's pretty bold I think. It reminds me a bit of the scene in Forrest Gump when Captain Dan takes on the storm.

and Jacob here, is named Israel because he contended with God

I actually screamed "WHAT?!" aloud when I then read about the 12 brothers going into the town after all the men had been circumcised and were "sore", and KILLING them all. You see one of them had slept with their sister, but it had all been smoothed over by Jacob. I didn't see that one coming at all...

We end today with the end of Issac's life. Jacob has also lost Rachel, who dies in childbirth having her second son.

These are not exactly "good" people. They lie, they steal, they cheat, and they kill. Just like Scarlett plans to do in order to never be hungry again. I wonder then if from them we are to learn that although they are not perfect, they give thanks to God first always, they listen when he speaks and they love the best way they know how?


Jamie said...

It's important to remember that Jacob's name means deceit (also supplanter, conniver, etc.). Again, what you call someone, and how they see themselves is very powerful in what they do and become.

Also, the Angel of the Lord that keeps appearing is believed to be the Son of God (later called Jesus). God Himself (the Father) in His true form is never seen by man, except maybe, MAYBE Moses, but I'm not sure. Also, remember, this is before the Ten Commandments, so things like lying have not yet been deemed a particular sin, in and of themselves.

Side theme: women are always causing trouble. j/k.

Jacob (now Israel) is always putting God first. And always thanking Him for what He's done, AND what He believes God will do. In turn, God is continuing to bless Jacob/Israel no matter what harm or unfairness man tries to do. God is always showing Himself to be faithful, esp. to the faithful, like Jacob, despite all of his(Jacob's) shortcomings. God's not looking for perfection, but sincere, SINCERE, effort.

As for the boldness of Jacob/Israel to demand a blessing from the Angel of God; that will also come up several times throughout the Bible. God wants us to be bold, even with dealing with Him. Not disrespectful, but bold. Ask if you need something. Ask if you want something! Just like I would do with my kids (and I'm just an earthly father), our heavenly Father wants to help us with things we need, and even give us things we want. Ask not, receive not. But would you give your children anything if they didn't obey you, and do good? Of course not. Disobedience and bad behaviour aren't rewarded by God either.

As for your last paragraph...I'm worried that sometimes you fall back into this, I'm ok, you're ok, kind of mentality. And although, as I said before, God isn't looking for perfection, but sincere effort; that kind of attitude can lead to complacency and lack of true effort; because we're human and we kind of get lazy and think, God's ok with what I'm doing. I'm doing my best. Are we really?

Whendsome said...

what I've learned is that perhaps I need stop trying to learn and just read it. Because it seems everytime I try to put into words what I think I got from it, I am told that indeed I am completly and absolutly wrong. Which seems to be a generalization of the problem I have with the whole thing anyway. I shall have to think on this a bit.....

Jamie said...

I don't remember saying you're wrong, I'll count that towards your bad mood. ;)

It's just that there are so many layers of meanings. I'm trying to bring up as many as I can identify. It's difficult. That's why I read the entire Bible over and over again. Just like when you read any other book or watch a movie and you see things or get something out of it that you didn't see the first time. That's all. I'm not intending to judge or critique what you got out of it.

Forgot to mention before that Shechem didn't merely sleep with their sister, he raped her.